Saturday, January 25, 2020
We Must Have the Right to Choose Euthanasia :: Free Euthanasia Essay
We Must Have the Right to Choose Euthanasia There are many sides to the dilemma of whether or not euthanasia should be carried out. There is the question of morality, the question of active versus passive euthanasia and the question of when euthanasia should be put into use. None of these questions are totally cut and dry. There seem to be more gray areas within this issue than there are black and white. Yet when you look at the problem on a personal level with the actual individuals involved, some of those gray areas almost disappear. People are put on this earth to live. When it gets to the point where the quality of a person's life gets so bad that they can no longer function in the world, there is no reason to force that person to stay alive. Euthanasia is therefore a necessary evil for those whose practical life is in effect over due to a terminal illness or otherwise life devastating condition. If a person is in unbearable pain and close to death or is in a vegetable state and no longer able to function, their life is by all practical means over. There is no reason to keep them alive. The only way to end their physical life is by euthanasia. The question is whether to do this by way of active euthanasia or passive euthanasia. Many are against active euthanasia because in this case you actually kill the person rather than letting them die. But both methods are used for the same end which is to end someone's life without further pain for the patient as well as for the family. The only choice to make after this fact is established is which of these means better carries out the end. James Rachels, a philosophy professor, says that, "if one simply withholds treatment [in the way of passive euthanasia], it may take the patient longer to die, and so he may suffer more than he would if more direct action were taken and a lethal injection given." (Rachels, p.111) This defeats the purpose of euthanasia which is to end suffering. Therefore, in cases where euthanasia is going to be carried out, active euthanasia is the better choice.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Queer Theory
Queer theory is not a theory of homosexuality, is an approach to sexuality and, more generally, identity, which builds on some of the ideas developed by Foucault (Reading). According to the reading, there is one point I think it’s very important. â€Å"We should challenge the traditional views of masculinity and femininity, and sexuality, by causing ‘gender trouble’†. It reminds me a real story happened in china. Last year, we have a national singer show just ‘American Idol’ but only for male competitor. One guy named Zhu, he become the most dramatic person in that show. He has long hair, wear a dress, heels, and perfect make up. He looks like totally a girl, especially his voice, is totally a girl. Every people shocked. When he starts singing, it’s totally girl’s voice. One of the judge interrupt him, ask him are you a guy? Our show only for male, he said yes, But this judge interrupt him again, because he can’t believe he is a man. The judge ask other stuff to check his Id. Afterward, the journalist interview ZHU, why he wants to dress like a girl, Zhu said I just feel comfortable when I dress like this. This video brings a big discussion on the internet. Some people think he should attend this show; he brings bad influence to tradition gender culture. Some people support him, every people has a right to do what they want to do. Apply queer theory to this event, Zhu is an example of challenging the traditional views of masculinity and femininity and sexuality, he caused ‘gender trouble’. A lot people think he is a guy, but he said I ‘m not a guy, there is no law don’t allow a man wear a dress and make up. Traditional view think male should men’ cloth, and a guy like Zhu must be guy, but the truth is no. Queer theory, is a approach encourage people can do what they want to do, can challenge traditional social view.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Plato s Theory Of Knowledge - 833 Words
Philosophers have conventionally defined knowledge as a belief that is both true and justified. Plato first introduces this concept of knowledge in Thaeaetetus where he presents knowledge, to be justified true belief. This definition sufficed until, Edmund Gettier, an American philosopher, pointed out that the conditions could be fulfilled inadvertently, in ways that did not amount to what Plato intuitively regarded to as knowledge. The goal of the Gettier problem is to showcase that one can have a belief which is true and justified, yet still not amounting to knowledge. By analyzing the concepts of Plato’s theory, I will bring to light its inadequacies, proving the complication Gettier poses to be a genuine philosophical problem. The first of the three requirements knowledge must meet is that is has to be accurate or parallel with a reality outside itselfâ€â€it has to be true! Knowledge is not attainable if what you think you know is actually false. Secondly, knowledge must be ‘justified’. Justified suggests that there are sufficient reasons to support the fact, at hand. Finally, for something to be ‘known’ as true it needs to be believed. Knowledge necessitates a feeling of conviction about being right. If someone hesitates to offer an answer to a question because they lack confidence, even though they may have the right answer, it is reasonable to assume that they don’t really know the answer at all. Putting the three requirements together forms a tripartite theory ofShow MoreRelatedPlato s Theory Of Knowledge830 Words  | 4 PagesPhilosophers conventionally defined knowledge as a belief that is both true and justified. Plato first introduces this concept of knowledge in Thaeaetetus where he presents knowledge, to be justified true belief. This definition sufficed until, Edmund Gettier, an American philosopher, pointed out that the conditions could be fulfilled inadvertently, in ways that did not amount to what Plato intuitively regarded to as knowledge. The goal of the Gettier problem is to showcase that one can have a beliefRead MorePlato s Theory Of Knowledge1413 Words  | 6 PagesPlato’s theory of knowledge claims that knowledge is only achieved in what is eternal and unchanging. True knowledge is distinguished from all else by its unique nature of being perceived by intellection and without hypothesis. Throughout the Republic, Plato attempts to explain throug h several images of speech and conceptual examples the essence of what is and what is not true knowledge. 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The understanding of the idea of reality through the discussion of the Divided Line and the allegory of the cave directly contributes and proves his theory of Forms and lie at the heart of his philosophy, which I think is convincing because of the extent of his discussions through experimental-based and direct evidence. Plato argued that true knowledge was not obtainedRead MoreIs Plato s Theory Of Recollection A Plausible Solution For Meno s Paradox Of Knowledge?960 Words  | 4 PagesBorja November 2014 PHIL 1301.001 Word Count: Is Plato’s Theory of Recollection a plausible solution to Meno’s Paradox of Knowledge? The general topic is Plato’s theory of recollection. Is Plato’s Theory of Recollection the plausible solution to Meno’s Paradox of Knowledge? Throughout many of his dialogues Plato often concludes that we cannot know something through our senses. He often concludes that we became acquainted with our knowledge in a previous existence. 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He was taught by multiple teachers including Socrates who was frequently mentioned in his writings as the central character. Plato’s novel, The Republic, influenced the idea of government and showsRead MoreSocrates Vs. Plato : The Essential Themes Of The Meno1633 Words  | 7 Pagesof context that is crucial to understanding the essential themes of the Meno, largely because the dialogue sits nearly at the beginning of western philosophy. Socrates and Plato are working not so much in the context of previous philosophies as in the context of the lack of them. Further, this is very probably one of Plato s earliest surviving dialogues, set in about 402 BCE (by extension, we might presume that it represents Socrates at a relatively early stage in his own thought). Nonetheless,Read MoreAnalysis Of Aristotle s The Gol den Mean 1109 Words  | 5 Pageswas a student of Plato, as well as founded/ taught at several academies. He wrote on diverse subjects, including physics, metaphysics, poetry, logic, politics, government, and ethics. He contributed to almost every field of human knowledge in existence during his time, and he was the founder of many new fields. Aristotle was one of the most influential of the ancient Greek philosophers. Aristotle s theory of the Golden Mean was found in his work, Nicomachean Ethics. This theory has also been expressedRead MorePlato s Theory Of Forms Essay1427 Words  | 6 Pages Plato was a standout amongst the most innovative and persuasive masterminds in Western philosophy, his impact all through the historical backdrop of philosophy has been monumental. Born around 428 B.C, he researched an extensive variety of topics; however, his Theory of Forms, found in The Republic, is an essential piece of Plato s philosophy. This is the center thought behind Plato s theory of forms, from this thought he moves towards clarifying his universe of forms or ideas. While trying
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