Tuesday, December 31, 2019

How Dragonflies Males Find and Mate with Females

Dragonfly sex is a rough-and-tumble affair. If youve ever seen a pair of mating dragonflies in the act, you know that their sexual coupling requires the flexibility and acrobatic skill of a Cirque de Soleil performer. Females get bitten, males get scratched, and sperm winds up everywhere. These strange mating habits have survived millions of years of evolution, so the dragonflies must know what theyre doing, right? Lets take a closer look at how dragonflies mate. How Dragonfly Males Find Receptive  Females Dragonflies dont engage in elaborate courtship rituals. In a few dragonfly families, the male might display his colors or fly over his territory to show a potential mate what a good oviposition site hes chosen for their offspring, but thats about it. Since dragonflies have extraordinarily good vision, the males rely mostly on their eyesight to find appropriate female partners. A typical pond or lake habitat will support many species of dragonflies and damselflies. To succeed in passing on his DNA, a male dragonfly must be able to distinguish females of his own species from all the other Odonates flying around. He can recognize a conspecific female by observing her flight style, her colors and patterns, and her size. How Dragonflies Mate (and the Wheel Formation) As with many insects, male dragonflies make the first move to initiate sex. When a male spots a female of his own species, he must first subdue her. Hell approach her from behind, usually while they are both in flight, and hold onto her thorax with his legs. He might bite her, too. If he hopes to mate successfully, he must get a firm  grip on her quickly. He pulls his abdomen forward and uses his anal appendages, a pair of cerci, to clasp her by the neck (her prothorax). After he has her tightly by the neck, he extends his body and continues to fly with her, in tandem. This position is known as tandem linkage. Now that hes got a hold of a mate, the male dragonfly prepares for sex. Dragonflies have secondary sex organs, meaning they dont store sperm near the copulatory organ. He must transfer some sperm from a gonopore, on his ninth abdominal segment, to his penis, which is located under his second abdominal segment. After hes charged his seminal vesicle with sperm, hes ready to go. Now for the acrobatics. Somewhat inconveniently, the females genital opening is near her thorax, while the males penis is closer to the tip of his abdominal segments (on the underside of his second segment). She has to bend her abdomen forward, sometimes with coaxing from the male, to bring her genitalia into contact with his penis. This position during copulation is known as a wheel formation because the couple forms a closed circle with their joined bodies; it is unique to the order Odonata. In dragonflies, the sex organs lock together briefly (not so for damselflies). Some dragonflies will mate in flight, while others will retire to a nearby perch to consummate their relationship. Competition Among Male Dragonflies If given the opportunity, a female dragonfly might mate with multiple partners, but the sperm from her final sexual partner will fertilize her eggs, in most cases. Male dragonflies, therefore, have an incentive to make sure their sperm is the last to be deposited in her. A male dragonfly can increase his chances of fatherhood by destroying the sperm of his competitors, and hes well equipped to do so when he mates. Some dragonflies have backward-facing hooks or barbs on their penises, which they can use to scoop out any sperm they find inside their partner before depositing their own. Other dragonflies use their penises to tamp down or move the offending sperm, pushing it aside before he places his own in the ideal location for fertilization. Still, other dragonfly males will dilute any existing sperm they find. In all cases, his goal is to ensure that his sperm supersedes that of any prior partners she has had. Just to provide an added measure of security for his sperm, the male dragonfly will often guard the female until she oviposits her eggs. He tries to prevent her from mating with any other males, so his sperm is assured the last in position that will make him a father. Male damselflies will often continue to grasp their partners with their cerci, refusing to let go until she oviposits. Hell even endure a dunking in the pond if she submerges to place her eggs. Many dragonflies prefer to guard their partners by simply chasing off any approaching males, even engaging in wing-to-wing combat if necessary. Sources Paulson, Dennis. Dragonflies and Damselflies of the West. Princeton University Press, 2009.Resh, Vincent H., and Ring T. Carde, eds. Encyclopedia of Insects, 2nd ed., Academic Press, 2009.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Smokers’ Social Responsibility Supporting Cigarette Ban...

Smokers’ Social Responsibility: Supporting Cigarette Ban in Outdoor Areas Audience: Smokers in the city Genre: An article in local newspaper Results of many researches have proven that concentrations of tobacco smoke in outdoor areas possess the risk to individuals, kids and environment. Even cigarette butts are equally hazardous for environment and many creatures, especially in sea. Therefore, the recently laid ban on smoking in outdoor area in our city is a good move. However, the support of smokers is very much needed to make it successful. I appeal to all smokers to avoid smoking in restricted outdoor areas in ban such as park, beaches, playgrounds, enclosed public places and places of employment. Smoke exhaled by the smoker and†¦show more content†¦People with asthma and bronchial infection problems can face problems due to drifting tobacco smoke and cause other serious health problems in nonsmokers – without any such conditions. These serious health impacts include an elevated risk of heart diseases and lung cancer along with a range of respiratory diseases. Apart from illness, many non-smokers report discomfort in presence of the tobacco contents in air. Smokers shall understand the adverse effects of their habit on people surrounding them, among them are your near and dear ones also. Apart from above mentioned problems, there are many other negative effects for which facts suggest an association with ETS, but scientists are researching further for confirmation. These incorporate cervical cancer, uncontrived abortion, and chronic respiratory symptoms in adults and reduced fertility in female. Relative risk estimates related with few of these disorders and disease are small, but as the diseases are widespread, the overall impact can be fairly large. The collective evidence suggests a relative risk estimate of 1.2-1.7 for heart disease mortality in nonsmokers. For Asthma induction and middle ear infections, the relative risk is 1.62 and 2.25, respectively. A result of meta-analysis for all women states the risk of breast cancer 1.25 [1]. Late st studies also indicate negative impacts of tobacco contents exposure on menstrual cycles. Until now, many citizens are exposed to environmentalShow MoreRelatedChange Essay4238 Words   |  17 Pagesorganisation giving a detailed description of the organisational background and the change event. The paper further goes to list the research questions and review the purpose and scope of the study. The change models and relevant documentation supporting the study are discussed and used to better gain in depth understand of the change situation. It concludes by explaining the study methods used to acquire information about the organization and change management process. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

The Red Carpet of My Life Free Essays

To further the cultural scene and repercussions, the novelist also makes a comparative study by expanding the background of the novel from the Shivalik Hills to Canada. Undoubtedly, human sensibility is alike all around. That is, human beings are not always necessarily rational even in the best circumstances. We will write a custom essay sample on The Red Carpet of My Life or any similar topic only for you Order Now In such a critical situation it is difficult to get solace and comfort. In this novel, it is shown that the hills have many dull men. The reason is explained through the characterization of Kalia and his ironical life since birth. To buy liquor is his need and he has to supplement finances; he wants Gauri to earn more. She is not in a position to earn more through hard work. To fight the situation, he with all his taciturnity arranges to sell his sister Gauri for Income Tax free Rs.20,000. The man who comes forward to buy is a weak man of this area only and spends money on her to supplement the roles of a woman and an ox: Poverty thy hood uncoils often. Kalia would be a talkative man for a while. Later, he was to be dumb—Gauri a forced dumb—he willingly so ever and anon. Gauri’s buyer had constraints beyond control. His poverty-stricken condition could not allow him much to spend. Last week only, an ox of his died. The plough could not move without a couple of oxen. It would—the purchase of Gauri— definitely save him two purchases. The bride too was an item to purchase. She was so young. Always busy with physical work. (38) All this kills the life force in her. She tries to commit suicide but God saves her. One day, after widowhood, she reaches back to her family. Kalia is no more. His wife is remarried to Mahato. Kalia’s daughter is Sonam and Mahato’s son is Ravi. It is really an ironical but actually factual example of the decaying culture. The brother who is supposed to take care of the safety of a sister sells his sister for money. In the modern society, a man has lost his sense to that extent where one cannot reach the core. As far as child atrocities are concerned, they are often neglected or abused in a family or an institutional setting by those known to them. It is less common for a child to be abused by a stranger. Radha, Chhotu, Gauri etc. are made to suffer first by their biological parents, brothers or sisters: â€Å"Kalia sold sister, Gauri and later died of country made liquor. (Agarwal 125) Keeping this in mind, the novelist coins the literary term ‘genderex’ as the word gender depicts the social aspects and distinction; and, sex is a biological and nature given discrimination. The folk scene is dismal but the novelist also suggests a way to bring woman out of this vicious circle. Accordingly, free education and books in library help the poor women and Kalia’s daughter Sonam represents this. Her growth as an educated working woman suggests Kalia’s mother to pronounce that Gauri is ‘The Last Sufferer.’ Meaning thereby that free education by government would help women grow. Education makes a man perfect in his life. It is really a good tool to make a man’s future bright. Dalai Lama once said that â€Å"open your arms free get ready to change with the world but do not let go your values.† (blog.oureducation date 25-8-18 7o clock in the evening.) Characters don’t internalize their feelings and seldom are plagued by mental torment. The characters of the novel are so simple and much far away from the malice and jealousy. They have presence of such expressions in life as love, hatred, greed, fear and jealousy. The life of the rustic people is very difficult. The protagonist of the novel suffers a lot; her path of life is full of thorns though she enjoys heavenly bliss at the end of the story. Literature, based on hilly areas, is related to the illiterate people of that society. In the journey of life, the protagonist gathers courage and strength against the opposite circumstances of life and after that, appears the achievement of the fruit of success which adds heroic dimensions. The themes related to these areas are heart touching. It is, generally, in simple and colloquial language. Sonam and Ravi are good at studies. Education is free, with the attempts of government. Keeping in mind this scene, the novelist prophecies that Gauri is the last sufferer because if an individual is progressive there is much to do and Sonam is getting education to work outside domestic walls to be independent. When the moment of suicidal bid on the part of Gauri passes away: â€Å"A heavy down pour of precious pearls on the cheeks melted the filth in the heart.† (46) Gauri reaches home. In her mother’s house, she talks to Kalia’s wife frankly: ‘I say so because I know the taste of hunger.’ ‘I know the labour of an ox.’ ‘I know the anger of a husband.’ ‘I know the lack of motherhood.’ ‘I know the lack of companionship.’ ‘Without the loss of virginity, I know the loss of womanhood.’ ‘I know the stranger’s status in my husband’s house.’(54) This painful expression of Gauri, stating those facts of her life which marred every iota of joy during these years passed with the husband who is incapacitated in every sense of the word. ‘Don’t you worry about Sonam. She will change her'(55). Gauri did not die. Anyhow, she understands the world around. Gauri knows that untimely death of a young girl may be her destiny. Gauri vehemently expresses that the girl might suffer at the hand of outsiders and her life be curbed: The novelist sets a moral through the growth of Chandrima. She is an orphan brought up by Radha, an orphan, sold thrice and rehabilitated five times. Radha is sheltered by Mrs. Preet Rani in her orphanage which is later on handed over to Radha. How to cite The Red Carpet of My Life, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Microeconomics Additional Cost Charge

Question: Describe about the Microeconomics for Additional Cost Charge. Answer: 1. Business passengers are less sensitive to price. This allows the airlines the potential opportunity to charge additional costs arising from the price-based policy instruments to the passengers (Brons et al., 2002). The business passengers can, therefore, be charged more than the proportional without decreasing the demand. This explains why the estimated elasticity of demand (0.4) for transatlantic air travel in business class is less than that of the economy class at 0.62. This indicates that with a slight change in price for the economy class which is highly sensitive to price, there will be a bigger change in demand hence the higher elasticity for economy class than business class. 2. A slope of a straight-line demand with a constant slope has constantly altering elasticity. The measured elasticity increased as one moves up the demand curve to higher prices and lower quantities (Bass, 2010). The explanation is based on concept of elasticity itself that is percentage change-based (amount of change and starting point of the change). Since the slope is fixed, unit change is identical for individual segment on the curve but the base values are changing. References Bass, F. M. (2010). The relationship between diffusion rates, experience curves, and demand elasticities for consumer durable technological innovations. Journal of Business, S51-S67. Brons, M., Pels, E., Nijkamp, P., Rietveld, P. (2002). Price elasticities of demand for passenger air travel: a meta-analysis. Journal of Air Transport Management, 8(3), 165-175.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Federal Expenditure Cuts in The USA

Introduction The United States of America is one of the developed countries that are still struggling to recover from the effects of the 2008/2009 financial crisis. Although the country has been able to recover from the recession, its economic growth rate as measured by the gross domestic product (GDP) is still very low (DiPietro and Anoruo 410-419). The slow growth is explained by the huge national debt ($16 trillion) and budget deficit among other factors.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Federal Expenditure Cuts in The USA specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Owing to the fact that the Republicans and the Democrats failed to reach a consensus on how to reduce the deficit, the government implemented automatic expenditure cuts in March 2013 that will reduce the budgets of nearly all state-funded programs by 9% in the current fiscal year (Wright). This paper presents arguments against the expenditure cuts. In particular, it will highlight the potential negative effects of the expenditure cuts on the economy and society in general. Arguments for Expenditure Cuts It is apparent that huge fiscal deficits discourage economic growth. In the US, the Republicans believe that the national debt and budget deficit should be reduced through expenditure cuts due to the following reason. To begin with, proponents of expenditure cuts argue that the government can no longer pay its debts through tax revenue. In particular, tax rates should not be increased in order to raise adequate revenues to maintain the current level of government expenditure and to pay for the existing public debts. This perspective is based on the fact that high taxes reduce consumers’ disposable income (Boyes and Melvin 124). Thus, raising income taxes will lower consumption and the quality of life in the country. Moreover, low consumption will reduce the country’s aggregate demand, which in turn will lower econom ic growth. According to the leaders of the Republican Party, the tax burden in the US is already too high to be increased. Thus, the best solution to the debt crisis is to reduce the government’s expenditure. Classical economists believe that a market-based economy such as the US should be controlled by a small government in order to improve efficiency in resource allocation (Boyes and Melvin 153). In this regard, most of the services provided by the government such as education and health care should be provided by the private sector.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In addition, subsidies and grants to various sectors of the economy such agriculture should be abolished in order to ensure fair competition and to motivate private firms to improve their efficiency. The resulting reduction in government expenditure will reduce budget deficits in the next decade. Moreover, the savings made by reducing expenditure will enable the government to pay its debts without increasing taxes. Finally, some economists and politicians believe that reducing government expenditure is the best way to avoid the imminent financial crisis in the US. This view is supported by the fact that maintaining the current level of expenditure will only increase the public debt due to the government’s inability to raise adequate tax revenue (DiPietro and Anoruo 410-419). High public debt means that a large portion of the government’s revenue will be spent on paying interest rates. The resulting reduction in the number of funds that will be available for development projects such as the construction of roads and railways will hamper future economic growth. Besides, public debt might become unsustainable, thereby forcing the government to default on its loans. This will reduce the country’s ability to access credit from the world economy. In this rega rd, the government has to reduce its expenditure in order to avoid the rise of public debts to an unsustainable level. Arguments against Expenditure Cuts The expenditure cuts introduced by the government may not achieve their objectives due to the following reasons. First, the Defense Department is the most affected by the reduction in expenditure. In particular, the department will have to reduce its spending by approximately 13% in the current fiscal year (Shear). In nominal terms, the department’s funding from the government will be less by nearly $40 billion. Officials from the department have already stated that the reduction in funding will have significant negative effects on the country’s military. Concisely, Pentagon will not be able to fund most of its missions or programs. For instance, the flight hours for most of the warplanes in various missions have been reduced due to financial constraints (Shear). Additionally, the Pentagon has had to cancel the mainte nance of some of its equipment and to reduce the presence of the USA’s military in the Gulf region (Shear). Similarly, NASA will not be able to complete all its research activities due to limited funding.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Federal Expenditure Cuts in The USA specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The implication of these cost-cutting measures is that the security of the US will be under threat from external adversaries. Officials from Pentagon believe that reduced funding will lower the capability of the USA’s military to second grade (Wright). In this regard, terrorist groups from various parts of the world will get the opportunity to cause devastating attacks in the US. Other countries or regions will also face serious security threats as the US reduces its military surveillance across the global. Unlike the US, countries such as China and Japan are increasing investments in thei r militaries (DiPietro and Anoruo 410-419). This means that the US might lose its status as the country with the most powerful military in the world. Consequently, the political and military influence of the US at the international level will reduce. In light of these potential risks, the government will be forced to increase its expenditure on defense, thereby increasing public debt. Second, the expenditure cuts will affect several state-funded programs and services that support thousands of poor and middle-income families. In the education sector, the government will reduce grants that enable students to access higher education in the country. In addition, all public universities will receive less funds from the government to support their research activities. Consequently, the cost of higher education will increase, whereas public universities will lose their competitiveness as research centers. Overall, the quality of education in the country is expected to reduce. In the health care sector, the government will reduce its contribution to programs such as Medicare by between 2% to 9% (Shear). The Center for Disease Control and Prevention is the most affected since the funds it normally receives from the government will be less by nearly $289 million. Consequently, the quality of health care in the country is expected to reduce (Shear). As the cost of accessing basic services increase in response to reduced government funding, the level of inequality in the country will increase. Concisely, only rich people will be able to afford quality basic services such as education and health care. High levels of inequality will increase the level of dissent in the country. Consequently, social unrests are likely to become rampant in future. Given the adverse effects of social unrest on economic growth and political stability, the government will have to yield to the demands of the citizens by increasing its expenditure on public goods.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Third, the expenditure reduction strategy entails a significant cutback on jobs in most state-owned agencies. In the Defense Department, over 800,000 employees will have to work for fewer days in a week (Wright). This means that they will have to take unpaid leave for some days in a week. A similar strategy has already been implemented in most airports across the country. The reduction in government spending is also expected to affect job creation in the private sector. Concisely, the companies that supply the government with various goods and services will not be able to maintain their current level of profits. Consequently, they are likely to reduce their workforce in order to maintain low operating costs and to increase their earnings. President Obama has already warned that the expenditure cuts will lead to the loss of nearly 750,000 jobs in the medium-term (Shear). This will worsen the problem of unemployment, which the government has not been able to address fully in the last five years. The IMF predicts that the expenditure cuts will reduce the growth rate of the USA’s GDP by 0.5% in 2013 (Shear). The Economics that underpin this prediction is that government expenditure and private consumption are key determinants of GDP growth (DiPietro and Anoruo 410-419). Thus, a reduction in government expenditure reduces economic growth. Similarly, an increase in the unemployment rate as a result of reduced government spending leads to low consumption, which in turn reduces economic growth. In the financial and capital markets, investors use economic indicators such as GDP growth and unemployment rate to predict future returns. Generally, a reduction in GDP growth rate is associated with low future returns on assets such as common stocks (Boyes and Melvin 214). Thus, a deterioration of the country’s economy will not only increase volatility in the financial markets but will also lead to capital flight as investors seek higher returns in overseas capi tal markets. Therefore, it will be in the interest of the government to increase its expenditure to spur economic growth. Conclusion The aim of this paper was to present arguments against government expenditure cuts that are currently being implemented in the US. The government implemented significant expenditure cuts in order to reduce its budget deficit and public debt. Even though the expenditure cuts are likely to reduce the debts, they will have adverse effects in the country. These include the high cost of basic services, an increase in the unemployment rate, and a reduction in economic growth. Solving these problems will necessitate an increase in government expenditure in the future. This indicates that expenditure cuts, as a strategy for reducing public debt is likely to fail. In this regard, the government should focus on increasing its tax revenue by supporting productive sectors of the economy. Additionally, cost-cutting measures should focus on improving efficiency and eliminating corruption in state-owned agencies rather than reducing funding. Works Cited Boyes, William and Michael Melvin. Macroeconomics. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2010. Print. DiPeitro, William and Emmanuel Anoruo. â€Å"Government Size, Public Debt and Real Economic Growth: A Panel Analysis.† Journal of Economic Studies 39.4 (2012): 410-419. Print. Shear, Michael. â€Å"Across-the-Board Cuts Take Effect, but their Impact is not Immediately Felt.† New York Times 2013. Web. Wright, Ben. â€Å"Obama Signs Sweeping US Budget Cuts into Effect.† BBC News 2013. Web. This research paper on Federal Expenditure Cuts in The USA was written and submitted by user Patience Emerson to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Production for Live Events TV Top-Up The WritePass Journal

Production for Live Events TV Top-Up Introduction Production for Live Events TV Top-Up ) suggest that lighting enhances the general spectacle of an event whereas problems in lighting may decrease the quality of the event. Yee, (2007) states that lighting plays a significant role in responding to the changing environment by shifting the viewer’s focus to the different areas thus developing a variety of different scenes within the area. Effect of external trends on the developments in event lightning and projection technology The recent trends suggest that lighting is advancing along with the comprehension of its importance in the events area. This implies that innovative technologies are being developed and currently there is a lot of new lighting products available on the market. For instance, LED lighting has been on the market for a long time. It does not require substantial amounts of power and is user-friendly in terms of installation and maintenance (LEDs Magazine, 2010). Therefore, it is still the leader on the lighting market. However, lighting evolves into a more interactive and wireless feature, in terms of programming and maintenance. The demand for wireless lights continues to grow, suggesting that it might become the next ‘most wanted’ product on the market. However, as it has been estimated by a representative of Kinetic Lighting, that these are quite difficult to supply (BizBach, 2011). Another important innovation, which is in demand on the market, is more colourful lighting. This implies that customers are seeking more colourful and bold colour palettes (BizBach, 2011). As recent reports suggest, 3D lighting might become the next trend in the event and stage production industry. There are innovative 3D lighting products on the market, however, these are based on the integration of the traditional blue and red colours to create a 3D effect (Parrish, 2002). More advanced versions are regarded to be difficult in utilization. Therefore, the current market is limited to the provision of those systems for the events and production (Parrish, 2002). These are more popular in utilization for different short presentations. Advantages and Disadvantages of new developments The main advantages of the new developments are enhanced interactivity and advanced technology. This implies that the needs of modern consumers are satisfied in terms of delivery of more advanced and colourful solutions. Some new developments are user-friendly, whilst other innovations (i.e. 3D Lighting ) are quite difficult in utilization and maintenance (Bizbach, 2011; LEDs Magazine, 2010). The lighting supplier companies have also started to produce more environmental solutions. This implies that innovative lighting solutions tend to align with the general trend of environmental protection and concern (Veitch and Gifford, 1996). As a result, this appeals to customers who have become more environmentally concerned. This has led to the development of solar lighting, which is a sustainable, environmental lighting solution (Pode, 2011). Challenges for newcomers and older specialists in event lightning and projection industry The main challenges for newcomers in the event lighting and projection industry is attributed to the high entry barriers. Currently, the main criteria for being successful in the lighting market are the brand, the pricing and reputation. This increases the barriers to entry into the market (LEDs Magazine, 2010). Along with that, the lighting industry has become quite competitive. This implies that there are a lot of players on the market, who offer similar products. In the case of LED lighting, this implies that LED is becoming more of a commodity with a low price (Examiner, 2012).   This decreases the brand value of the companies within the LED market. Contrary to that, companies with innovative solutions may enter the market, however there is a limited amount of companies that may develop innovations, due to the need for large resources (Examiner, 2012). As a result, the well-established brands tend to invest heavily in research and development, thus producing the latest innovations. As a result, the lighting market is led by the well established brands, which regularly produce innovative solutions (Examiner, 2012). Conclusion This report was designed in order to demonstrate the recent trends in the lighting and projection industry. It has been estimated that the lighting and projection industry is a highly competitive area, with high entry barriers. As a result of the increased competition, some lighting products have become a commodity. The trends demonstrate that the brand plays a large role in the lighting market, where the well-established companies tend to produce innovations on the market in order to defend their market shares. The main innovations have included the 3D lighting, wireless and interactive lighting solutions. References BizBach. (2011). 7 Lighting Trends for 2011: LEDs, Interactive Projections, 3-D, and More Available: bizbash.com/7_lighting_trends_for_2011_leds_interactive_projections_3-d_and_more/new-york/story/20020/ (Accessed on 1/1/13) Bowdin G., Allen J., O’Toole W., Harris R. (2011). Events Management. 3rd ed., BH: UK Examiner. (2012). Competitive Landscape for LED Lighting Industry: impact on US jobs. Available: examiner.com/article/competitive-landscape-for-led-lighting-industry (Accessed on 01/01/13) LEDs Magazine. (2010). Lighting industry at the edge of the unknown. Available: http://ledsmagazine.com/features/7/7/2 (Accessed on 1/1/13). Parrish D. (2002). Inspired 3D lighting and compositing. Premier Press: USA. Pode R. (2011). Solar Lighting. Springer: London. Veitch J. Gifford R. (1996). Assessing Beliefs about Lighting Effects on Health, Performance, Mood, and Social Behavior. Environment and Behaviour. Vol.28, Iss.4, pp. 446-470 Yee R. (2007). Lighting Spaces: Roger Yee. Visual Reference Publications: USA

Friday, November 22, 2019

Identification of Team background and Evaluation of its performance Assignment

Identification of Team background and Evaluation of its performance - Assignment Example This research will begin with the statement that the team to be evaluated is a professional team that appointed to ensure the prolongation of a certain audit firm, P&H, by choosing the best alternative among the many options that do not lead to an adverse effect in terms of operations. P&H boasts of a strong team of auditors that have played a big role in its success. The firm is composed of ten members with higher qualifications and credentials in different various fields of finance and management. P&H team is a traditional team that has been committed to ensuring that the firm delivers high-quality work to her clients and employs competent audit assistance and other audit technicians. The team that includes different heads of departments sharing similar goals of the firm believes that performance of every member is crucial for P&H success. Many differences that were initially experienced in the team have been resolved and different departmental heads appreciate their colleaguesâ₠¬â„¢ contribution. Team members understand each other and interact with humor, a concept that helps them provide a solution and constructive feedback. Team members are committed to the team goal thus producing great results. Team members engage in the collective and democratic decision-making process through consulting group members hence promoting workers ownership for the decisions without the team leader losing sight of the fact that he bears all the crucial responsibility of leadership.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Training and Developing Paper Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Training and Developing Paper - Research Proposal Example s training courses; although training courses are important, your training and education will be designed to also encompass in-house mentoring, work-based learning, reflective practice and shadowing. The healthcare industry is constantly evolving as new advances in medicine are discovered. As such, employees should constantly make good use of training and education so as to adequately prepare themselves for these changes (McConnell & Fallon, 2013). The threat of legal action leveled against professionals in the healthcare industry is increasing. It is important for you as newly recruited employees to continually undergo training that will keep you updated on any new legal developments that might be directly affecting you as professionals. Competencies are basically the eventual outcomes of the training and education process. It is important to measure your competences as individual employees in the organization as these measures will be a crucial indicator of your ability to perform definite tasks in a fashion that will eventually yield desirable outcomes. As new employees, it is important for you to understand that having high levels of competency basically implies that you are successfully able to apply skills, knowledge and abilities to new situations. It is important for organizations to assess organizational and individual competencies performance so as to assess the efficiency of the services that we are able to provide to patients. Healthcare organizations are singularly responsible for the overall quality of care they provide, as such, the assessment of competencies helps the organization in the determination of whether there is any need to design and implement new training programs aimed at improving the organization’s performance (Kelly & Vottero, 2014). Reaction: During this stage, participants hand in feedback questionnaires, they are also encouraged to provide any informal feedback that they believe is of importance. This information is

Monday, November 18, 2019

Institutional Racism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Institutional Racism - Essay Example This paper illustrates that in 2004, statistics indicated that per capita income for Whites, African Americans, and Hispanics in the USA are $25,203, $16035, and $14,106 respectively. Similarly, the 2005 unemployment rate for Whites, African Americans and Hispanics was 4%, 8.5%, and 4.5% respectively. Those covered by private health insurance for Whites, African Americans and Hispanics for the same period were 71.4%, 53.9%, and 41.7% respectively. The education sector also suffers from institutional racism. Education continues to gain value in modern society and parents would like their children to get the best possible quality of education. Consequently, there has been an increase in the number of international students seeking further education in foreign continents such as America and Europe. Education in these continents is perceived to be of higher quality. These students are presented with unique opportunities for international exposure even as they greatly contribute to the ec onomic growth of the host countries. At the same time, international students are faced with a myriad of challenges beyond their control and sometimes they have to endure until the end of their studies. Institutional racism refers to patterns in the society whereby adverse, unfavorable or oppressive conditions are applied towards certain identifiable groups based on their race, ethnicity and skin color. As an international student from the United Arab Emirates and studying at the University of Massachusetts Lowell, the author encountered institutionalized racism in various forms, to the detriment of international students. They have incidences for instance where black and other colored students are physically abused by their white counterparts on campus. A recent episode of open campus racism occurred when some students believed to belong to a fraternity threw a party in commemoration of Martin Luther King’s birth and black students were mocked. Nonblack students donned loose -fitting basketball shirts, flashed signs of gangs and drunk from hollowed-out watermelons to send a message of mockery to their black counterparts. Although the entire student fraternity received the incident with disbelief, outrage, and contempt, it showed how deep racism is institutionalized in the education system.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Cetuximab Antibody Production

Cetuximab Antibody Production Cancer has been studied widely for many decades and is a major part of ongoing research worldwide. During the research a new generation of so-called targeted therapies have been produced to target specific molecular processes that promote cancerous tumour growths. The research lead to development of the drug called Cetuximab which is used to treat head and neck cancers and colon and rectum cancers including large bowel. It is produced under the brand name of Erbitux which is produced by Merck Serono company which is located in Dublin 24 in Ireland. Cetuximab is widely produced in US by several pharmaceutical companies such as Imclone, Bristol Myers Squibb and in UK as well. The treatment with Erbitux is very expensive and the reason for that is because it is a chimeric monoclonal IgG1 antibody which is produced in a mammalian cell line by recombinant DNA technology which requires cost expensive labour and ingredients. (http://www.medicines.ie/medicine/12082/SPC/Erbitux+5mg+ml+solutio n+for+infusion/ 2010) One of the widely studied areas is molecular targets such as epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) which lead to development of Cetuximab which works on these molecular targets. Cetuximab works by inhibiting activation of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). Cetuximab was approved by (FDA) Food and Drugs Administration for the use in the treatment of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) using the combination of radiotherapy and for metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) as single drug or in combination with chemotherapy. (Bruno Vincenzi, Gaia Schiavon, Marianna Silletta, Daniele Santini, Giuseppe Tonini, 2008) Cetuximab is a recombinant chimeric human murine immunoglobulin G1 antibody that binds to the extra-cellular domain of epidermal growth factor receptor with a higher affinity than either endogenous ligand. This binding inhibits receptor phosphorylation and activation and it leads to receptor internalization and degradation. Several studies have shown that cetuximab is able to inhibit growth of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)-expressing tumour cells in vitro. Moreover, treatment with cetuximab results in a marked inhibition of tumour growth in nude mice bearing xenografts of human cancer cell lines. These results are linked to cetuximab biological effects as inhibition of cell cycle, tumour progression, neo-angiogenesis, invasion and metastatization, as well as increase and activation of pro-apoptotic molecules. Additionally, cetuximab potentiates, in combination, the effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy in eradicating well-established tumours in nude mice and it may even reverse the resistance to some cytotoxic agents in these xenografts. Moreover, numerous clinical trials demonstrated cetuximab efficacy in different tumour types. It has been approved by Food and Drugs Administration in the treatmen t of metastatic colorectal cancer as single agent or in combination with chemotherapy, in locally and regionally. (Bruno Vincenzi , Gaia Schiavon, Marianna Silletta, Daniele Santini, Giuseppe Tonini 2008) Cetuximab is a chimeric human murine derivative IgG1 monoclonal antibody (mAb) that binds extra-cellular domain of the EGFR. This binding inhibits activation of receptor tyrosine kinase and the associated downstream signalling that includes the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt and the Janus kinases (Jak) signal transducers and activator of transcription pathways. Furthermore cetuximab induces antibody-mediated receptor dimerization, internalization and degradation leading to receptor down-regulation. In addition, it can determine antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) that could contribute to its antitumoural effect. EGFR is expressed on normal and malignant epithelial cells and it plays an important role in tumour biology. In fact, it promotes proliferation, metastatization, angiogenesis and inhibition of apoptosis. (Bruno Vincenzi, Gaia Schiavon, Marianna Silletta, Daniele Santini, Giuseppe Tonini, 2008 p. 94) The most common EGFR alteration in tumour cells is its over-expression that may lead to ligand-independent receptor dimerization. EGFR is frequently over-expressed in human tumours including breast cancer, lung cancer, glioblastoma, bladder carcinoma, head and neck cancer, ovarian carcinoma, colorectal cancer and prostate cancer. Overexpression of EGFR determines the rate of disease progression and aggresivness of cancer. The rate of expression of EGFR can give an overall picture on diagnosis and prognosis of cancer. Table 1 Rate expression of EGFR in different tumour types Tumour type Rate of EGFR expression Head and neck 90‚100% Breast Up to 91% Renal Up to 90% Cervical Up to 85% NSCLC Up to 80% Colon Up to 89% Ovarian Up to 77% Prostate Up to 47% Glioma Up to 63% Pancreas Up to 95% Bladder Up to 72% EGFR: epidermal growth factor receptor, NSCLC: non-small cell lung cancer. (Bruno Vincenzi , Gaia Schiavon, Marianna Silletta, Daniele Santini, Giuseppe Tonini, 2008 p. 95) The mechanisms through which cetuximab expresses its antitumour activity are numerous and not completely understood yet. Different studies demonstrated that cetuximab mediates cell cycle arrest in various tumour cell lines, leading in some cases to apoptosis (programmed cell death). Numerous studies has proven that cetuximab decreases tumour cell production of angiogenic growth factors such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), bFGF and interleukin-8 (IL-8). The decrease in angiogenic growth factors, in turn, correlates with a significant decrease in microvessel density and an increase in apoptotic endothelial cells in human tumour xenografts. Angiogenesis is a complex process through which new blood vessels arise from existing vasculature. It is tightly regulated by balance between pro-angiogenic and antiangiogenic factors and it involves autocrine and paracrine signalling. (Bruno Vincenzi, Gaia Schiavon, Marianna Silletta, Daniele Santini, Giuseppe Tonini, 2008 p. 97) Both in vitro and in vivo experiments have proven that cetuximab inhibits the invasive and metastatic ability of different tumour types. Tumour invasion is a complex process that needs active interactions between tumour cell, the extra-cellular membrane (ECM) and other stromal elements Different coordinated events are required for cell invasion: firstly, changes in cell‚ cell and cell‚ matrix adhesion, secondly, degradation of ECM, and finally, cell migration, cytoskeletal rearrangement and acquisition of enhanced proteolytic potential. (Maria Luisa Veronese, Peter J. ODwyer, 2004) Cetuximab has been shown to inhibit the expression and activity of several MMPs (Matrix Metalloproteinase enzymes related to tissue healing/remodeling and cancer cell metastasis) including the gelatinase MMP-9. Several studies correlated this antibody-mediated reduction in MMP production with both a significant reduction in in vitro tumour-cell invasion and the inhibition of tumour growth and metastasis in nude mice. Compared with its inhibitory properties, cetuximab immunologic mechanisms have not been extensively studied. Cetuximab may be trigger an ADCC reaction, leading to an indirect antitumour activity by the recruitment of cytotoxic host effector cells such as monocytes and natural-killer cells. Cetuximab ADCC (antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity) activity has been described against several tumour cell lines expressing wild-type or mutant EGFR. (Bruno Vincenzi , Gaia Schiavon, Marianna Silletta, Daniele Santini, Giuseppe Tonini 2008 p. 98) Cetuximab, the medicinal ingredient of Erbitux, is a recombinant, human/mouse chimeric monoclonal antibody that binds specifically and with high affinity to the extracellular domain of the human epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). Cetuximab functions as a competitive antagonist that inhibits the binding of ligands to EGFR which results in the inhibition of growth and survival of tumour cells that express EGFR. Cetuximab is produced by recombinant DNA technology in a mouse myeloma derived cell line. The manufacture of cetuximab is based on a master and working cell bank system, where the master and working cell banks have been thoroughly characterized and tested for adventitious contaminants and endogenous viruses in accordance with the ICH guidelines. Results of these tests confirmed cell line identity and absence of adventitious agents/viral contaminants. Genetic characterization (restriction endonuclease mapping and copy number analysis) also demonstrated genetic stability of the master cell bank ranging from storage to production at the limit of in vitro cell age. The manufacture of cetuximab comprises a series of steps which include cell culture, harvest, and purification. The purification is performed via a combination of chromatographic and viral inactivation/removal steps. The consistency of the manufacturing process is ensured through defined production procedures, critical quality tests, in-process limits and cetuximab certificate of analysis specifications. Microbial control is maintained throughout the manufacturing process by testing for bioburden as well as for bacterial endotoxins. In-process controls performed during manufacture were reviewed and are considered acceptable. The specifications for the raw materials used in manufacturing the drug substance are also considered satisfactory. The Erbitux manufacturing process consists of adjusting cetuximab formulated bulk concentration and filling into vials using proper aseptic process techniques, and conventional pharmaceutical equipment and facilities. Erbitux is manufactured within the lab which obeys GMP (Good Manufacturing Practise). One-hundred percent of the patients in the pivotal trial experienced an adverse event (AE). Eighty percent of these were grade 3 or 4 in nature. The most commonly reported AEs in order of frequency were asthenia, diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain and acne. Based on the data from this trial, the AE profile of the combination of irinotecan and cetuximab is the aggregate of the AE profile of each individual agent. There was no evidence that the addition of either agent exacerbated the AE profile of the other agent, nor was there any evidence of frequently occurring new AEs. The most common AEs associated with irinotecan were less frequent than in other trials with irinotecan in CRC. Similar results were observed in the non-pivotal studies. (http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/dhp-ps/prodpharma/sbd-smd/phase1-decision/drug-med/sbd_smd_2007_erbitux_088225-eng.php 2007) The treatment with Erbitux is very expensive and the reason for that is because it is a chimeric monoclonal IgG1 antibody which is produced in a mammalian cell line by recombinant DNA technology which requires cost expensive labour and ingredients. Erbitux is available in injectable form only and contains 5mg/ml solution for infusion. Erbitux is a colourless solution. Cetuximab is available for injections in different vial sizes: vial of 10 ml contains 50 mg cetuximab vial of 20 ml contains 100 mg cetuximab vial of 50 ml contains 250 mg cetuximab vial of 100 ml contains 500 mg cetuximab Cetuximab is used for the treatment on patients with epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)-expressing, KRAS wild-type metastatic colorectal cancer in combination with chemotherapy. It can also be used for the the treatment of patients with quamous cell cancer of the head and neck in combination with platinum-based chemotherapy for recurrent metastatic disease. Patients who receive treatment first time must receive treatment with corticosteroid and antihistamines in order to avoid allergic reaction to the drug and body attacking the drug. It is also recommended to receive treatment with corticosteroids and antihistamines for all subsequent infusions. For all types of treatments Erbitux is administered once per week. The starting dose is 400 mg of cetuximab per m2 body surface area. All subsequent weekly doses are 250 mg cetuximab per m2 each. Cetuximab can be used in patients with colorectal cancer as a single drug or in combination with chemotherapy. For patients with squamous cell cancer of neck and head it is used together with radiation therapy. Allergic skin reactions are very common with Cetuximab patients which occur in more than 80% of patients, the reason for that is because Cetuximab is a chimeric monoclonal antibody drug. The majority of allergic skin reactions will develop within the first 3 weeks of treatment. These include dry skin, skin rash, eczema, nail disorders, in some severe cases skin necrosis. These skin problems generally resolve once the treatment is ceased. Sometimes Cetuximab can cause skin lesions and patients with sensitive skin may develop superinfections like MRSA, or in other cases cellulites, sepsis, or scalded skin. (http://www.medicines.ie/medicine/12082/SPC/Erbitux+5mg+ml+solution+for+infusion/ 2010) Cetuximab works in many different ways : it inhibits cell cycle progression metastatization and invasion, angiogenesis, increase and activation of pro-apoptotic molecules. When cetuximab is used in combination with chemotherapy and radiotherapy its effects are synergic. Effectivenes is much higher if when used in combination rather than separately. Cetuximab is relatively new drug and it is not fully understood its working mechanisms and new types of drugs like cetuximab promise effective treatment against cancer.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Freedom in Braveheart and the Lord of the Rings :: Braveheart Lord of the Rings Essays

The Power of Freedom in Braveheart and the Lord of the Rings How far would you go to defend freedom? Would you overcome impossible odds? In the films â€Å"Braveheart† and â€Å"The Lord of the Rings,† the main characters, Mel Gibson and Elijah Wood, go to the ends of the earth to achieve their goals and bring freedom to the people within their society. The two main plots emphasize the concept that no matter what nation you live under, any man or woman will fight to defend their right to freedom. In â€Å"Braveheart†, Mel Gibson, plays William Wallace. In the movie his wife is brutally killed by one of the English kings. Before the death of his wife, Wallace also experiences the death of his brother and father by the hands of the same aggressor when he was a child. After this he decides that any aggressive action against those he holds dear will not be left unavenged. The day of his wife’s death, William waited for his wife at a secret hiding place and when he finds out she isn’t coming because she was killed, he takes the ways of the law into his own hands. When William becomes a revolutionary he leads the Scottish people to an uprising against the English government. William then begins to de-thrown all the kings in the English region. He loses all sense of inhibition while pursuing his desire to avenge his loved ones’ death and brings freedom to his people. â€Å"The Lord of the Rings† is a movie about the plight of mankind while defending itself against a great evil of a supernatural kind. In this movie, the main character, Frodo Baggins, played by Elijah Woods, must protect the ring of power on an arduous journey across the country in an attempt to destroy the ring. If he fails, all of mankind will be destroyed and ruled by sorcerers and unseen forces of evil. Although he faces many grueling obstacles during his journey, his determination and knowledge of the possible disintegration of the human race fuels him and gives him the strength to complete his journey. In the end, after many trials and near death experiences-not to mention the loss of close friends and his own personal struggles centered around the power the ring has over him-he accomplishes his goal and successfully destroys the ring and brings freedom to mankind.

Monday, November 11, 2019

My field assignment Essay

a) My field assignment took place in one of the elevators of Jackson Medical Center. I chose this place because every Saturday morning I have to go there from 7:00am- 2:30pm for my clinical. I also selected this place because hospitals are constantly full of people, meaning I would be interacting and assessing the reaction towards my behavior of more people. I was accompanied by another student from my clinical rotation, Martha; who was responsible for observing the reaction and behaviors of the people. Moreover, she would act like a total stranger to me, like we had never met before. Martha and I wore professional-casual attire. We are not allowed by the school of to wear scrubs in the Psych floor instead we get to wear regular clothes. The rational behind it is to maintain the student’s safety as well as the client’s behavior to be maintained as calm as possible while interacts with the student. Lab coats tend to alter the client’s behavior.The elevator I chose was the closest to the main entrance. It was a sunny day, which was wonderful for me because lots of people decided to come and visit their relatives, family members, and friends, among others. One of the benefits for having selected this place of service is that I was able to interact with people of different ages group. b) I tried to be closed by the elevator to see the kind of people entering it. Also, I tried to be the last one boarding the elevator and once I was inside I would close the door to impede the entrance of more people, otherwise, the assignment would not be successful. I would choose one particular individual and I be staring at herself. Moreover, I looked at the chosen person as a whole. I observed at her hair, clothes, shoes, purse, etc. For instance, I would put my hands in my pockets and try to make noises with my keys. The noises helped increase the tension of the individual while I kept looking at her. c) As I was breaking the norm, I was feeling a little uncomfortable and I was nervous at the same time. I had never thought about doing this in my life. This event was frightening from both sides. One, I was being exposed to them to be able to do something to me. Second, it was terrifying to them what I was doing. They did not know what was happening in my mind, or if I was a psychopath or a serial killer. Unfortunately, we are living in a petrifying world and more people are being diagnosed with a mentally ill disorder every day, or killing each other out of nothing. d) As I mentioned before, my behavior was fear provoking to them. They did not know what I wanted. Why was I  looking at the in such uncomfortable way. Most tried to fix their hair thinking there was something wrong with it. For instance, they cleaned their face like if it was dirty. Others fixed their clothes or looked in their purses. Others pretended to look at the numbers on the top of the door’s elevator to see how fast was it moving. My friend says, they tried to engage eye contact with her, making her eye signals, advising her of what was happening but she took her phone out and pretended that she was texting somebody. At the same time, Martha moved to the front of the elevator, giving me the space in where she was standing while I would gather a better visualization of the individual. e) I believe this exercise has served to prove that social norms still important for our society. Since we are little, we are being taught these norms and how not to break them. It was a difficult event, as a woman, its really difficult especially at the beginning just to ride on an elevator to stare at people. We normally get in an elevator but people don’t look at each other. I also believe most of us try to live by the â€Å"norms† to avoid the use of social sanctions and they important part they play on how we carry ourselves in society now a days. I did this task because it was an assignment from school. However, I don’t see myself repeating this event ever again. The feeling of breaking the norms the way I did in an elevator is it very scary. I really would not know how to react towards such uncomfortable behavior.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Free Essays on Confederate States

Confederate States of America, the name adopted by the federation of 11 slave holding Southern states of the United States that seceded from the Union and were arrayed against the national government during the American Civil War. Immediately after confirmation of the election of Abraham Lincoln as president, the legislature of South Carolina convened. In a unanimous vote on December 20, 1860, the state seceded from the Union. During the next two months ordinances of secession were adopted by the states of Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas. President James Buchanan, in the last days of his administration, declared that the federal government would not forcibly prevent the secessions. In February 1861, the seceding states sent representatives to a convention in Montgomery, Alabama. The convention, presided over by Howell Cobb of Georgia, adopted a provisional constitution and chose Jefferson Davis of Mississippi as provisional president and Alexander Hamilto n Stephens of Georgia as provisional vice president. The convention, on March 11, 1861, unanimously ratified a permanent constitution. The constitution, which closely resembled the federal Constitution, prohibited the African slave trade but allowed interstate commerce in slaves. Jefferson Davis (1808-89), first and only president of the Confederate States of America (1861-65). Davis was born on June 3, 1808, in Christian (now Todd) County, Kentucky, and educated at Transylvania University, Lexington, Kentucky, and at the U.S. Military Academy. After his graduation in 1828, he saw frontier service until ill health forced his resignation from the army in 1835. He was a planter in Mississippi from 1835 to 1845, when he was elected to the U.S. Congress. In 1846 he resigned his seat in order to serve in the Mexican War and fought at Monterrey and Buena Vista, where he was wounded. He was U.S. senator from Mississippi from 1847 to 1851, secretary of war in the ca... Free Essays on Confederate States Free Essays on Confederate States Confederate States of America, the name adopted by the federation of 11 slave holding Southern states of the United States that seceded from the Union and were arrayed against the national government during the American Civil War. Immediately after confirmation of the election of Abraham Lincoln as president, the legislature of South Carolina convened. In a unanimous vote on December 20, 1860, the state seceded from the Union. During the next two months ordinances of secession were adopted by the states of Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas. President James Buchanan, in the last days of his administration, declared that the federal government would not forcibly prevent the secessions. In February 1861, the seceding states sent representatives to a convention in Montgomery, Alabama. The convention, presided over by Howell Cobb of Georgia, adopted a provisional constitution and chose Jefferson Davis of Mississippi as provisional president and Alexander Hamilto n Stephens of Georgia as provisional vice president. The convention, on March 11, 1861, unanimously ratified a permanent constitution. The constitution, which closely resembled the federal Constitution, prohibited the African slave trade but allowed interstate commerce in slaves. Jefferson Davis (1808-89), first and only president of the Confederate States of America (1861-65). Davis was born on June 3, 1808, in Christian (now Todd) County, Kentucky, and educated at Transylvania University, Lexington, Kentucky, and at the U.S. Military Academy. After his graduation in 1828, he saw frontier service until ill health forced his resignation from the army in 1835. He was a planter in Mississippi from 1835 to 1845, when he was elected to the U.S. Congress. In 1846 he resigned his seat in order to serve in the Mexican War and fought at Monterrey and Buena Vista, where he was wounded. He was U.S. senator from Mississippi from 1847 to 1851, secretary of war in the ca...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

An Analysis of Othello by William Shakespeare Essays

An Analysis of Othello by William Shakespeare Essays An Analysis of Othello by William Shakespeare Essay An Analysis of Othello by William Shakespeare Essay In the drama Othello by William Shakespeare Iago plays the maestro operator and manages to lead on many of the other characters particularly Othello and Cassio. It can be said that his motivations are based entirely on his insecurities due to the fact his end in the drama was to destroy Othello’s life. He does this by utilizing psychological use on Othello’s ideas and makes him believe that Cassio and Desdemona are fond of each other. Which fundamentally means that he targets anyone that brings out his insecurities. which gives him a ground to flog out and kill or harm these people. to do himself experience better. In the beginning of the drama Iago makes it look as if his hatred towards Othello is because he has made Cassio his lieutenant. As the drama goes on you subsequently realize that Iago’s hatred extends even more. I hate the Moor. and it is thought abroad that twixt my sheets. he has done my office: I know non if’t be true. but I. for mere intuition in that sort. will make as if for surety. . There seems to be some rumours about Othello and Iago’s married woman Emilia. the rumours are that Othello and Emilia have slept together. In the quotation mark above he states that he doesn’t attention if the rumours are true and that he is traveling to continue with his program as if they are true. Throughout the drama Iago invariably reminds himself of why he’s targeting Othello. I do surmise the lustful Moor. Hath leap’d into my place: the idea whereof. Doth. like a toxicant mineral. gnaw my inwards ; And nil can or shall content my psyche. boulder clay I am even’d with him. married woman for married woman. His hatred towards Cassio is more directed. Iago hates Cassio because he has gotten the place of lieutenant even with his deficiency of experience in the field as he is a more tactical making schemes individual. More than a old maid. unless the studious theoric . Iago fundamentally states that Cassio’s deficiency of manfulness attention deficit disorder to his hatred towards him. Each individual in the drama get manipulated in a manner that merely suits them. For illustration Roderigo is blinded by his love for Desdemona. and is prepared to make anything to win her heat this give Iago the advantage to take his failing and utilize it against him. Equally guiltless as Iago’s words seem Othello Lashkar-e-Taibas Iago’s manipulative words counteract with his thought and this is where you could state he has officially planted the seed devising sure he has Othello’s ear. As Othello asks for cogent evidence Iago is one time once more able to pull strings Othello by doing him conceal and hear a conversation Iago has with Cassio. Now will I question Cassio of Bianca. A homemaker that by selling her desires. Buys herself staff of life and apparels. It is a animal. that dotes on Cassio. as ’tis the strumpet’s pestilence. To juggle many and be beguiled by one. He. when he hears of her. can non forbear. From the surplus of laughter. Here he comes. Iago says this one time Othello withdraws and one time Cassio corners him starts discoursing Bianca but allows Othello to believe they are discoursing Desdemona. He whispers so Othello would non hear him and by making that he agitates Othello and that causes him to be delusional. As mentioned before Cassio is besides manipulated by Iago. The first manner in which Cassio is deceived is when he acquire pressured into imbibing and so get downing a battle which accordingly ruins Cassio’s repute. If I can fix but one cup upon him. with that which he hath intoxicated tonight already. He’ll be as full of wrangle and discourtesy. as my immature mistress’ Canis familiaris. Now my ill sap Roderigo. Whom love hath turned about the incorrect side 1 out. To Desdemona hath tonight caroused. Drafts pottle-deep. and he’s to watch. Three chaps of Cyprus. baronial swelling liquors. That hold their awards in a wary distance. The very elements of this militant isle. Have I tonight flustered with fluxing cups. And they watch excessively. Now ’mongst this flock of rummies. Am I to set our Cassio in some action. That may pique the isle. This is Iago’s monologue where he really reveals his manipulative side. At first. Iago told Cassio he should imbibe on behalf of Othello although he knew that he did non desire to and was non capable of it. Iago has manipulated Cassio to make something unethical. Othello and Cassio both get exploited by Iago because they both find honest. good friend and have a difficult clip judging character. Iago Acts of the Apostless like he genuinely cares about Othello by giving him warning marks about Cassio. Iago besides fools Cassio into believing he cares whether he has a good clip or non. Another manner Iago manipulates Cassio is when he workss the hankie in Cassio’s Chamberss. I know non neither. I found it in my chamber. I like the work good. Ere it be demanded. As like enough it will. I would hold it copied. Take it and make ’t. and go forth me for this clip. . Cassio says this when he gives it to Bianca. Cassio has no thought as to how the hankie got into his room. Iago left it at that place to put him up and do it look as if he is holding an matter with Desdemona. Iago exploits Cassio’s limited cognition since Cassio did non cognize that the hankie belong to Desdemona. In both scenarios Iago manipulates Othello and Iago by sugar surfacing the truth from them. Iago does experience better after pull stringsing the characters in the narrative this is shown throughout the narrative as Iago manipulates and controls every other character so good that they seem like marionettes that he controls. At the terminal of the drama. Iago’s use has left a trail of devastation that has killed Othello and Cassio. every bit good others and has destroyed the lives of many who remain. The motives and thoughts Iago has are really delusory and cunning. and his ability to influence is really astonishing. Iago’s actions define of a adult male who will halt at nil until he exacts retaliation on everyone who he feels has threaten him in one manner or another. Shakspere has presented Iago as a sort and baronial soldier he has besides been known as honest Iago. this screening that everyone is non as what they seem on the outside. Already cognizing that Iago has a hatred for his superior Othello and now Cassio Thou told’st me thou didst hold him in thy hatred. Said Roderigo. Despise me if I do non. Iago answers. This during the gap scenes in the drama. Iago fools Othello by supplying ocular cogent evidence but didn’t allow him to listen or understand decently. As for Cassio. he used his friendly relationship to works the hankie. Both Othello and Cassio are naif have a difficult clip judging character. are excessively proud to believe that person is gulling them and their limited cognition as to what was traveling on around them allows Iago to Successfully in the terminal manipulate the head of Othello and sent him insane and 2 left Cassio in a state of affairs that he didn’t belong in. Othello and Cassio were both victims of Iago’s use due to the fact that they had something Iago did non. 3 Bibliography William. S. ( 01. 22. 14 ) . Othello. Great Britain. Oxford University. JONATHAN. L. ( 28. 01. 2010 ) . HOW DOES IAGO MANIPULATE DIFFERENT CHARACTERS IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE HIS AIMS? OTHELLO. RETRIEVED ( 02. 27. 2014 ) . FROM Hypertext transfer protocol: //WWW. MARKEDBYTEACHERS. COM/AS-AND-A-LEVEL/ENGLISH/HOW-DOES-IAGO-MA NIPULATE-DIFFERENT-CHARACTERS-IN-ORDER-TO-ACHIEVE-HIS-AIMS. HTML The Theme of Deception in William Shakespeare’s Othello. Retrieved ( 02. 27. 2014 ) . from hypertext transfer protocol: //sites. Google. com/site/thethemeofdeception/home Joshua. A. ( 2013 ) . Protestant epistemology and Othello’s consciousness. Retrieved ( 03. 01. 14 ) . from Gale Academic One File.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Russian Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Russian Policy - Essay Example Strobe Talbott, the presidential advisor to President Clinton, in his book, ‘The Russia Hand: A Memoir of Presidential Diplomacy’, has provided a vivid account of the period especially with regard to the relationship with the former Russian President, Boris Yeltsin and his subsequent fall from grace. It should be noted that the author is qualified to write his opinions and observations since he played a vital role in US Russia relations during that period. He has had personal access to all the primary stakeholders in the process including Clinton, Yeltsin and later with Vladimir Putin. The book, written in the form of a memoir clearly states that the era of Putin would not have occurred without the era of Yeltsin. This would create an impression that the transition was a smooth one planned by Yeltsin, but it is far from the truth. The relationship between President Clinton and his Russian counterpart was unprecedented in the history of the United States. It is said that the number of meeting between the US President and Yeltsin outnumbered the total meetings by all the US and USSR premiers in the past. President Clinton was of the view that the cold war attitude of former presidents including Eisenhower and Truman is no longer relevant in the changed circumstances (Talbott 133). It required a closer approach devoid of suspicion and intrigue that had been characteristic of the attitude between the two superpowers of the time. Yeltsin who had continued the reforms of Gorbachev was in an unenviable position. The country was opening up to reforms which included to a large extent, private business and ownership. People were optimistic about a situation where free market enterprise and freedom of thought and speech would result in a resurgent and prosperous Russia. But the actual situation is his country was far from rosy or perfect. A country used to Communist rule

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Does Robert Bruce deserve to be remembered as a great Scottish king Essay - 4

Does Robert Bruce deserve to be remembered as a great Scottish king - Essay Example His ability to defeat most of his enemies enabled him to control a much larger part of Scotland; something that gave him the way forward and accorded him respect from his fellow citizens. He was also able to retain this independence up to his death, and this should be enough to keep him as a national hero that deserves such honour for gifting his country the most essential part of any liberal society. The fact that Robert the Bruce fought to free the Scottish society should be reason enough to have him remembered as a hero. The history of Robert the Bruce began in 1124 when the very first of the Bruce’s family arrived in Scotland. David Bruce was the first one, and he was able to settle in the lands of Annandale in Galloway and Dumfries (Whyte 2014: 12). This was enough to have the family recognised as one of the ruling dynasties, though the then king of England, who remotely ruled Scotland, wanted to use it as a way of wooing them to his side. Robert the Bruce was the son of Robert de Bruce, who was the sixth Lord of Annandale and Marjorie who was the Countess of Carrick (Brown 2004: 15). Robert the Bruce claimed the throne as David 1’s fourth great grandson. From his mother, he was able to inherit the Earldom of Carrick, and his father gave him the chance to have his chance at the Scottish throne. The family was also well endowed, having lands and estates in County Durham, Essex, Garioch and Middlesex (Brown 2008: 54). This allowed them to have a better chance of recognition from the go vernment in England, and that was a good thing for their survival. He had nine siblings, spending a huge part of his life together his brother Edward at the courts with the nobles. Little can be said of Robert’s youth because it was a little obscured by the hidden nature noted in many of the kingdoms then. Speculations would occur based on what people knew would happen in these kingdoms, since history did not record his existence until he was older. As such, there is a

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Tourism policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Tourism policy - Essay Example Tourism is a valuable industry for every nation. It not only creates new businesses but also can create jobs, income and can enhance quality of life. For years, tourism industry developed almost fluently and now it has become a chief economic segment. For many countries in the developing world, tourism is a significant basis of income creation and therefore, a key element of economic improvement. A good positive state related to tourism can improve the relationship and it rewards nations. But the consequences of negative conditions such as terrorism are massive on a countries’ financial system. Tourism contributes about 10 percent of global GDP. Tourism industry needs to predict customer requirements, recreate its business strategy, and relocate on providing good services because in recent years customers have become more demanding and a good tourism system can improve the image of the nation. Therefore, the terrorist attacks can play a massively derogatory role in a countryâ €™s economy and thus, the tourism sector similar to other sectors can bear the brunt of such scenario (Wharton University of Pennsylvania, 2010). Importance of Tourism Tourism has become a key economic activity in the 20th Century. The World Travel & Tourism Council had generated income of US $ 655 billion from tourism industry in the year 1995 and had created 212 million jobs. Global employment growth was estimated at 21 percent in the year 2007. This increase was primarily due to increase in capital investment and it contributed to 610,000 people globally being engaged to the tourism industry. The employment increase was from complimentary services such as entertainment and restaurants. The result of amplified travelling has led to rise in government income and gross output; it has multiplier consequence on global economies (Dunn, 1999). The following table shows the growth of tourism till 1992: Figure 1: Growth of tourism till 1992 (Thompson, 2008). Effect on Tourism Industry due to Terrorist Attacks Terrorist attack has an adverse affect on the tourism industry. It can lead to joblessness, homelessness, deflation, crime and other economic crisis. Several factors associated with tourism such as airlines, hotels, restaurants and catering sectors that are used by any firm or industry and their employees are all affected to a greater or lesser extent. Terrorism can unravel a country’s tourism industry. It affects directly to the tourists’ decision making. The role of tourism in emerging countries is currently so enormous that some downturn in the tourism sector is a serious concern. In general, tourism is one of the best performing economic sectors in the developing countries and can have various dimensional effects (Essner, 2003). Several such instances of the affect of terrorist attacks on the tourism industry will be evaluated in the following sections. Terrorism in Maldives Tourism Industry Maldives is a developing nation and is depended on their tourism industry as a source of income. Maldives is a holiday destination for the tourists due to its famous heavenly as well as

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Assessment in Special Education Essay Example for Free

Assessment in Special Education Essay Abstract Sometimes the general education program alone is not able to meet the needs of a child with disabilities, and he/she may be able to receive special education services. The evaluation process can be a very difficult task when trying to identify if the child qualifies for special education, schools often have a pre-referral intervention process. The most prominent approached used today is the â€Å"response-to-Intervention† or RTI. Special Education teachers face many challenges when trying to meet the needs of special needs students in their classrooms. Methods of evaluation are a big concern and challenge for educators of special needs students today. In addition, meeting everyone’s needs is a difficult task to accomplish because of students’ diverse abilities in the classroom. This research paper will explore the different methods of assessment in special education programs and the best practices to help this children achieve their potential in an appropriate setting. Testing and assessment is an ongoing process with children in special education programs. Some of these assessments include, developmental assessments, screening tests, individual intelligence tests, individual academic achievement tests, adaptive behavior scales, behavior rating scales, curriculum-based assessments, end-of-grade, end-of-course, and alternate assessments. Comprehensive assessment of individual students requires the use of multiple data sources. These sources may also include standardized tests, informal measures, observations, student self-reports, parent reports, and progress monitoring data from response-to-intervention (RTI) approaches (NJCLD, 2005). The main purpose of a comprehensive assessment in the special education field is to accurately identify the strengths and needs of the students to help them be successful during their school years and there after. Legislation has played a big role in the shift towards functional assessment. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act is also known as the Education for All Handicapped Children Act has played a big role in this matter. The IDEA legislation â€Å"needed to assure that students with disabilities receive free appropriate public education (FAPE) and the related services and support the need to achieve† (Jeffords 1). IDEA was created to make sure that disabled children are receiving fair and equal education and support. This act has several parts to it which include providing grants, funds early intervention services, and supports research and professional development programs. The No Child Left Behind Act: Impact on the Assessment of Special Education Student. After the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) moved into our schools there is a great deal of controversy that questions whether the act implemented by President George W. Bush is helping or hurting an already suffering school system. There are many dimensions of the NCLB act that have been questioned over the past decade; the fair assessment of students with disabilities is one of them. As the National Center for Fair Open Testing (NCFOT) reported, the public relations aspect of this act is strong. Prior to the Individuals with Disability Education Act of 1997 (IDEA) students in special education were exempt from participating in the statewide testing. However, the IDEA advocated that all students including those with special learning difficulties should be able to participate in testing. (Cahalan, 2003). Legislative Overview of Laws Protecting Special Education Students On January 8, 2002, President George W. Bush signed the NCLB act. In this act the federal government was for the first time in the history of the Department of Education putting an act into effect that would penalize schools that failed to meet adequate yearly progress (AYP). The AYP is a measuring system in which the federal government will look at the progress of the local government and school systems to decide whether or not that school, along with its teachers and students, has progressed and provided a high-quality education (Goldhaber, 2002). Through the NCLB act schools are held accountable for failing test scores and failure to improve their class average from one year to the next. The longer the school fails to meet required scores, the more the school will be held accountable, and the greater the consequence. For instance, a school that is unable to make their desired AYP and has not improved a significant amount within five years will then be subject to reconstruction. This reconstruction could include the government completely taking over the school and hiring new teachers and  teacher staff, leaving many teachers and staff unemployed (Goldhaber, 2002). Teachers and students in the special education department do have some laws however that helps them make testing less stressful. The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 required that accommodations must be made for students with learning disabilities in order to be able to participate in the assessment (Cahalan, 2003). However, this leaves the question of what can be used as accommodations. Accommodations could include things such as test schedules and setting of the test, along with the format of the presentation. Also used to help the special education students and teachers is the individualized education plan (IEP). The Individuals with Disabilities Educational Act (IDEA) of 1991 would set into effect the idea of an IEP. An IEP is a plan that is set by a group of individuals that work closely with the student to design the educational format that is most appropriate for him/her (Cahalan, 2003). This does not take into account the type of disorder the student has but simply the student themselves. The individualized attention that is given with this plan provides the student with the correct instruction needed to be successful in education. These groups of individuals include the teacher, parent, school psychologist and anyone else that is closely related to the education of this student. The IEP members are, in most states, responsible in deciding which accommodations are important for each individual student (Cahalan, 2003). They, however, are not a part of deciding what accommodations will be provided for each student during the NCLB assessment. The laws described here were all implemented with the same goal in mind; to protect special education students and be sure their quality of education is the same as all other students. However some of these laws, including the NCLB, must be altered in order to truly give special needs students the education and assessment they deserve. Best Practices in Assessment of Special Education Students Students in special education programs should be included in the statewide assessments, as the IDEA of 1997 states. The IDEA also states that accommodations should be made to be sure that the student is able to fully understand the materials they are asked (Cahalan, 2003). There are four categories of test accommodations, presentation, response, timing, and  setting (Cahalan, 2003). Presentation is simply visual aids that help the student fully understand the context. These do not alter the questions of the test; they simply make it accessible for the students. Presentation accommodations include Braille, large-print, sign language interpreter, or reducing the number of questions per page (Cahalan, 2003). These simple accommodations make test taking less stressful, and therefore the material is better understandable by the student. However, no state has reported using them in their statewide assessments since the inception of the NCLB. In a study of over one thousand students it was found that using a video presentation to help understand the test showed a significant increase in their achievement (Cahalan, 2003). So why is the educational department not using these modifications that help so much? Another form of accommodation used in special education testing is response. It may be as simple as giving an oral response instead of a written one or it may mean that the test is dictated to the student by a recorder. These accommodations in no way alters the response that is given or received, it is still the same question being asked. Results have shown that by providing a reader special education students showed a significant improvement in their test score (Cahalan, 2003). The last two accommodations are setting and timing. The timing could include any extra time needed, breaks during the exam, or spreading the testing out through a few days instead of taking it all in one day. And the final accommodation is setting, which could include special furniture, lighting, or an individualized testing area (Cahalan, 2003). Even though there was no evidence to prove that setting and timing are important accommodations, it is well known that many special education students are tested in private rooms with more time. These accommodations should be accessible for special education students that need them to better their test taking skills. However, many states do not allow such accommodations to be made due to the misconceived conception that they change the contents of the test when in actuality they do not in any way alter the questions asked. BEST PRACTICES IN ASSESSMENT HANDOUT †¢Create a shared mission and goals statement that reflects an emphasis on student learning. †¢Focus on collaboration and teamwork. Faculty members must agree on assessment goals for planning to be meaningful. They may have to rise to a higher level of collaboration than may have been traditionally practiced in most departments. Collaboration within the department, across departments, and with higher administration will facilitate the best outcomes from assessment planning. All constituents must recognize that assessment skills must be developed and that colleagues can assist each other by sharing practices and strategies. †¢Clarify the purpose of assessment. Assessment can serve dual purposes: Assessment can promote student learning or provide evidence for accountability requirements through an evaluation of strengths and weaknesses. Wherever possible, students should experience a direct, positive benefit from their participation in assessment activities. †¢Identify clear, measurable, and developmental student learning †¢OUTCOMES. Explicit identification of learning expectations facilitates the departments coherence about their GOALS. Sharing those expectations explicitly with students can provide an effective learning scaffold on which students can build their experiences and render effective performance. †¢Use multiple MEASURES and sources consistent with resources. Effective assessment planning can only occur when properly supported with appropriate time, money, and recognition for good work. The expansiveness of the assessment plan will depend on those resources. As resources permit, additional MEASURES can be added to planning. These MEASURES address variations in learning style, differences in types of learning, and interests from varied stakeholders. †¢Implement continuous assessment with clear, manageable timelines. Better assessment practice involves spreading out assessment activity throughout the year and across years rather than conducting a marathon short-term assessment effort in a single year. Projecting a schedule of regular formal reviews can facilitate appropriate interim activity. †¢Help students succeed on assessment tasks. Students will fare best in assessment activities when faculty make expectations explicit, provide detailed instructions, and offer samples or models of successful performance. They will benefit most with opportunities to practice prior to assessment and when given detailed feedback about the quality of their performance. †¢Interpret and use assessment results appropriately. Assessment should be a stimulus for growth, renewal, and improvement, not an action that generates data to ensure positive outcomes. Linking funding to assessment outcomes may encourage artificial results. Assessment data should not be used for personnel decisions. If cross-institution comparisons are inevitable, care should be taken to ensure comparisons across comparable institutions (benchmarking). †¢Evaluate your assessment practices. Results from assessment activity should be evaluated to address their reliability, validity, and utility. Poor student performance can reflect limited learning or an ill-designed assessment process. Examining how effectively the assessment strategy meets departmental needs is a critical step in the evolution of the department plan. (Retrieved from www. caspercollege. edu/assessment/downloads/best_practices. pdf) The Effect of NCLB Assessments on Special Education Programs When the Department of Education was asked how they intend to insure that special education students will not be forced to take tests that are above their intelligence level under the NCLB act, they could not give a real solution. They simply said that there are accommodations available, and if the student’s disability is severe to the point that the accommodations will not help, there are alternate tests they can take (Education Week, 2003). However, the problem with this is that there is no clear definition as to who is able to receive these accommodations and who is able to receive the alternate assessment. Who decides this? And how handicapped must a student be in order to receive an alternate assessment? Even though special education students are not at the same intelligence level as their peers they are still placed in the same test group as them. The NCLB act does not include in its AYP percentage the failing percentage rate of special education students in each given population. Therefore, teachers and school administration are trying to make up for the percentage loss in special education departments. Some teachers are now, for the first time, being held accountable for failing test scores. This, in effect, causes teachers to alter their curriculum and teach to the test? (Goldhaber, 2002). By teaching to the test students are missing out on important curriculum information that may be overlooked completely or presented in short educational lecture in the middle of teaching test taking skills and other information that may be found on the assessments. Possible Improvement to the Assessment and Accountability. To improve the NCLB act we must first know what is wrong with the act. While the idea of leaving no child behind in education is a good plan, there are still a few loop holes that the president’s act needs to clear up. The students that are placed in the special education setting are usually there because they have a disability or are below average in their cognitive abilities. In order to be fair to these students the government must be sure that they have the same quality education as all other students, but the government must also realize that the curriculum of the material they are learning may in some cases be drastically different. With this knowledge, it must then be known that to accurately and fairly assess special education students the assessments must be built with the correct accommodations. In order for this to happen, those who design the tests must develop an exam that meets the needs of the student, and not the needs of the disorder. In other words, do not test a student as an autistic child but first look at their individual advantages and disadvantages according to each test taking skill. Some students may simply need more time, while others will need more time along with a person to read to them and interpret some larger word usage. It is all based on the student’s individual needs (Cahalan, 2003). In other words the decisions of the accommodations should be made by people that know the student on a personal level, and know what accommodations are present in their current education setting. As stated before, with some assessments the IEP will meet to determine what accommodations will be made for the students in that assessment, However, this is not the case in the NCLB assessments; but it should be. Those who are teaching and raising the child should be a part of the process of determining how the child is assessed and what accommodations are necessary (Washington, 2003). It is important for the education of future special education students that the Department of Education take into consideration the possible reforms that were suggested by many local government and teachers surrounding them. Improvements can be made to the assessment of special education, and should be made to be sure that all students are receiving a fair and adequate education. Disproportionate identification of minorities in some special education categories: When speaking of the learning disabled, minorities, one must consider some dimensions to the issue of assessment within a particularly specialized light. This special population reflects both the learning disabled (LD) and the minority that they belong to. This is largely the case within a practical context, although as the literature points out, pre-considerations must be afforded for minority students. To begin with, it is important to look at the many variables that exist within the aforementioned components. These components include English as a Second Language (ESL), socioeconomic level and finally the impact this has on teaching the learning disabled in a classroom setting and more specifically when employing the assistance of a translator. Curriculum-based assessment is hampered with some biases that can affect these students (Dolson, 1984). A childs race and ethnicity significantly influence the childs probability of being misidentified, misclassified, and inappropriately placed in special education programs. Research shows the relationship between race and ethnicity and other variables for students placement in special education classes. Variables such as language, poverty, assessment practices, systemic issues, and professional development opportunities for teachers have been cited as factors that play a role in disproportionate representation (emstac. org). Children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds should be able to receive an excellent and appropriate education. Some students are not included in special education programs, even though they have a disability that is affecting their ability to learn and they need special education help. Some CLD populations are also significantly under-represented in programs for the gifted and/or talented. In these instances, CLD groups are considered under-represented because the proportion of students from certain ethnic or racial groups who receive special services are significantly less than the number of these same students in the overall school population (U. S. Department of Education, 2004). Facts: †¢ Hispanics are under-identified within certain disability categories compared to their White peers (U. S. Department of Education, 2006). †¢ Asian/Pacific Islander students are actually less likely to be identified for special education services than other CLD populations (NABE, 2002). There are a number of possible action steps school personnel can take to ensure that individual assessments are conducted in a culturally responsive and nondiscriminatory manner (Klotz Canter 2006). Recommendations include: †¢Allowing more time. Assessments of students from diverse backgrounds require more time to gather important background information and allow for alternative and flexible procedures. †¢Gathering extensive background information. To provide a context for the evaluation, conduct a review of all available background information including: school attendance, family structure, household changes and moves, and medical, developmental, and educational histories. †¢Utilizing student progress monitoring data from Response-to-Intervention (RtI) or problem-solving processes. Data generated from a process that determines if the child responds to scientific evidence-based interventions should be included in a comprehensive evaluation. The National Research Council on Minority Representation in Special Education recommended the use of data from a systematic problem-solving process measuring the student’s response to high quality interventions (National Research Council, 2002, pp. 7-8). †¢Addressing the role of language. Determining the need for and conducting dual language assessments are essential steps in an evaluation process. This includes determining the student’s language history (i. e. , ages that the student spoke and heard various languages), dominance (i. e. , greatest language proficiency), and preference (i. e. , the language the student prefers to speak). †¢ Using nonverbal and alternative assessment strategies. When assessing students from CLD backgrounds, use standardized nonverbal cognitive and translated tests (when available in the target language). Additional assessment techniques, including curriculum-based assessments, test-teach-test strategies and in-direct sources of data, such as teacher and parent reports, portfolios, work samples, teacher/student checklists, informal interviews and observations, and classroom test scores are also helpful in completing an accurate, comprehensive evaluation (NEA, 2007). Bibliography Bush, President George W. (December 3, 2004). Bipartisan Special Education Reform Bill. Retrieved from http://www. ed. gov/news/newsletters/extracredit/ 2004/12/1203. html Cahalan, C. Morgan, D. L. (2003). Review of state policy for high stakes testing of students with disabilities on high school exit exams. Educational Testing Service. Department of Education. (2003). Title I ? Improving the Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged; Proposed Rule. (34 CFR Part 200). Washington, DC: U. S. Government Printing Office. Dolson, David P. (1985). The Effect of Spanish Home Language Use on the Scholastic Performance of Hispanic Pupils. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, V. 6, No. 2,50. Fair Test. (2005). The National Center for Fair Open Testing. Retrieved from http://www. fairtest. org on October 12, 2011 Goldhaber, D. (2002). What might go wrong with the accountability measures of the? No Child Left Behind Act? The Urban Institute. IDEA Partnership. http://www. ideapartnership. org Klot z, M. B. Canter, A. (2006). Culturally Competent Assessment and Consultation. Retrieved October 2011 from: http://www.naspcenter. org/principals/Culturally%20Competent%20Assessment%20and%20Consultation%20NASSP. pdf. Improving accountability for limited English proficient and special education students under the No Child Left Behind Act. (2003). Washington Area School Study Council. National Association of School Psychology. (2007). The Truth in Labeling: Disproportionality Special Education. Retrieved from www. nea. org/books on October 15, 2011. National Joint Committee on Learning Disabilities. (2001a). Issues in learning disabilities: Assessment and diagnosis. In Collective perspectives on issues affecting learning disabilities (2nd ed. , pp. 55–61). Austin, TX: Pro-Ed. (Original work published 1987) National Joint Committee on Learning Disabilities. (2005). Responsiveness to intervention and learning disabilities. Available from www. ldonline. org/njcld. National Joint Committee on Learning Disabilities. (2007). The documentation disconnect for students with learning disabilities: Improving access to postsecondary disability services. Available from www. ldonline. org/njcld National Center for Culturally Responsive Educational Systems. (Fall 2005). Cultural considerations and challenges in response-to-intervention models. An NCCRESt position statement. Retrieved October 2011 From http://www. nccrest. org/PDFs/rti. pdf? v_document_name=Culturally%20Responsive%20RTI. No educator left behind: Testing special education students. (2003). Retrieved October 15, 2011, from http://www. education-world. com/a_issues/NELB/NELB025. shtml Olson, L. (2004). Data show schools making progress on federal goals. Education Week, 24, 24-28. Retrieved from http://www. edweek. org Tomes, H. Ph. D. (2004). In public interest: Are we really leaving no child behind? American Psychologist, 35, 31-35. Retrieved from www. apa. org on October 15, 2011 U. S. Department of Education. (2004). Twenty-fourth annual report to Congress on the implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Washington, DC: Author.