Monday, August 24, 2020

Payday Lending Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Payday Lending - Assignment Example h intrigues charged on these assets going as high as over 100%, combined with the burdens of this training, there is each motivation to condemn payday loaning. Albeit high financing cost is one reason for rendering payday loaning unlawful, the training adversely influences monetary development and advancement. The greater part of the economies depend on the private area and private financial specialists. While the legislature and the budgetary business give singular financial specialists credit to fire up little and medium scale undertakings, singular speculators depend on their reserve funds to raise pay for ventures. By advancing the way of life of sparing among the individuals, it emphatically adds to the development and improvement of individual ventures, therefore expanding the development of the private segment. This adds to the financial development and advancement by giving business openings, making development, and inventiveness among the individuals. Be that as it may, payday loaning thwarts this turn of events. The way that a large portion of the individuals depend on this as a wellspring of pay to run their lives during the mont h is debilitates sparing among the individuals. Besides, this training advances a culture of industrialism, which prompts destitution in the resulting long stretches of work. With individuals having fluid cash with them, this builds the pace of swelling as they spend on the vast majority of their cash on customer merchandise. Loaning at over 100% is likewise nonsensical and unscrupulous, and thusly, should be unlawful. By deciding to condemn the training, various individuals are probably going to experience the ill effects of such a turn of events. At whatever point individuals face crises, and others have monetary limitations, they can't get to money related help and help through payday loaning. Accordingly, individuals need to discover different wellsprings of fulfilling this need. Making the training unlawful can additionally prompt loss of occupations for the moneylenders, in this manner expanding the pace of jobless individuals in the

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Amartya Sen The Idea Of Justice Review Philosophy Essay

Amartya Sen The Idea Of Justice Review Philosophy Essay Equity is the nature of being simply or reasonable. Equity can likewise be viewed as the judgment engaged with the assurance of rights and the task of remunerations and disciplines. Equity can likewise be the idea of good rightness dependent on morals, levelheadedness, law, characteristic law, religion, decency, or value (Princeton Web 2010). People may take a gander at equity a wide range of ways, however what components play into choosing what really is equity? Must you see decency so as to be simply, must you take a gander at levelheadedness, or even correspondence and freedom? There will consistently be banters about how to accomplish equity. Be that as it may, due to such a significant number of elements being included, we may never comprehend what equity genuinely is. I accept that with the end goal for one to be simply, or even to settle on an only choice on an issue that elements, for example, levelheadedness, decency, human rights, and the prosperity of all gatherings includ ed must be considered. However, this is only my supposition a considerable lot of todays thinkers regularly contend being simply or even to accomplish a totally simply state in our general public, alongside the choices we make every day. To point out a particular logician, Amartya Sen without a doubt makes a strong position on what equity really implies. The Idea of Justice is Amartya Sens evaluation of political way of thinking. He investigates what equity truly implies and has thought of options in contrast to the current model. Sens insightful contentions are appeared by an outstanding arrangement of stories drawn from writing, history, and recent developments happening in our general public today. There are very few fundamental contemplations of the book, however the considerations introduced are returned to all through every part, to enable the peruser to see the master plan. You should have the option to look at every thought Sen presents in his content, as they all meet up, while having the option to accomplish total equity. Despite the fact that equity may never completely be reached totally in any general public, Sen works admirably giving models and placing every one of his contentions in essential content, with the goal that it is simple for the peruser to comprehend what he is discussing. The particular insightful content ions of the book are exceptionally significant with regards to the thoughts of equity. The Idea of Justice is partitioned into four primary parts. Section one contains a few of Sens most significant considerations all through the book. They incorporate, reason objectivity, establishments people, voice social decision, unprejudiced nature objectivity, and shut open fair-mindedness. To some degree two, types of Reasoning, Sen talks about various topics including levelheadedness, majority of fair reasons, and reasonability others. Section three contains data on the capacities approach, lives, opportunities abilities, and equity freedom. The last piece of Sens content addresses open thinking majority rule government, remembering areas for equity the world, human rights worldwide goals, the act of vote based system, and vote based system as open explanation. All through every one of these fundamental areas Sens contends extremely solid focuses, I will attempt to give you an outline of the central matters all through every section of Sens book alongside where he remains on specific points and how I can relate and feel about what he a ccepts. To point out your the prelude/presentation, Sen explicitly expresses that what he is introducing here, is a hypothesis of equity which expects to explain how we can continue to address inquiries of improving equity and evacuating foul play, as opposed to offer goals of inquiries concerning the idea of immaculate equity (Sen IX). The Introduction explains on two ways to deal with equity, which incorporate the comparativist structure the implicit understanding system. The comparativist system is introduced utilizing the acknowledgment correlation approach. The acknowledgment approach organizes the social comprehension of propelling equity and expelling treachery in genuine social orders with their current establishments. The implicit agreement structure is introduced utilizing the supernatural institutionalism approach which was driven by crafted by Thomas Hobbes. The supernatural institutionalism approach focuses on immaculate equity and the foundations that would be perceived in such a splendidly just society. There are two particular issues indentified here which Sen locks in. First it focuses its consideration on what it distinguishes as impeccable equity, as opposed to on relative examinations of equity shamefulness (Sen 6). Sen proceeds to clarify that this methodology attempts to just recognize social qualities that can't be risen above as far as equity, and its spotlight is in this way not on looking at attainable social orders, all of which may miss the mark regarding the beliefs of flawlessness. Likewise it is planned to recognize the idea of the only, as opposed to finding an option being less low than another. The subsequent significant issue with this methodology is portrayed by Sen Saying that in scanning for flawlessness, supernatural institutionalism focuses basically on getting the organizations right, and it isn't straightforwardly centered around the genuine social orders that would at last rise. We have to concentrate on how change inside the real society will be finished, not by getting organizations impeccable to the point that they are simply establishments. This would fail to help developing social orders we have to take a gander at society as entire so as to accomplish ideal equity by not having just splendidly just foundations. Individuals are as yet going to act how they pick just as carry on how they pick, so we should concentrate on society as entirety. The idea of the general public that would result from some random arrangement of organizations must, obviously, rely additionally upon non-institutional highlights, for example, real practices of individuals and their social associations (Sen 6). I do concur with Sen in this hypothesis of equity, it should as a matter of first importance, fill in as a reason for handy thinking. Part one is to shield a thought of objectivity in our normal considerations of justice.â Sen contends for the possibility that we ought to comprehend reason as the last appointed authority of our moral convictions. One must have the option to legitimize and comprehend his thinking by basically assessing thinking for moral convictions. The need of depending intensely on reason is significant as Sen depicts in his work. Sen says, the case for contemplated examination lies in no definite fire method of getting things spot on (no such way may exist), however on being objective as we sensibly can (Sen 40). Sen accepts that one must have the option to depend on reason so as to completely legitimize and settle on our moral convictions. I should concur with Sen on this point, when he contends that this methodology won't be one that will permit and individual to get things spot on, however permit us to be as target as we can. By examining your own thinking, it is exceptionally plausible tha t you will show up at the most ideal moral choice. We ought not become involved with being arrogant in the choices of our own thinking, as this could add blemishes to our choices. The solution for awful thinking lies in better thinking, and it is in reality the activity of contemplated examination to move from the previous to the last mentioned (Sen 49). This statement clarifies everything, it is basic that one should fundamentally examine his/her own thinking for a choice, and that without this investigation theres incredible possibility for awful thinking. To maintain a strategic distance from this, one should basically investigate his/her thinking of decision or choice. Moving to another contention from Sen, I share the accompanying statement. Equity is established in reasonableness and decency can be extensively be viewed as an interest for unbiasedness (Sen 54). With the end goal for one to be totally simply, the choice must be discerning and reasonable, if a choice isn't viewed as being reasonable for all gatherings, you show up at issues of unprejudiced nature. Sens gives his case of three youngsters and a woodwind, all kids having a normal explanation with respect to why they merit the flute. Be that as it may, if there is certifiably not a typical personal stake on one strong arrangement of principals between all gatherings, we run into an issue of what the genuine just choice is. Institutionally, we can't address such issues as these. People despite everything have their own ethics and qualities and going to settle on their own choices paying little heed to what is instructed. One of the most troublesome things is to change a people virtues and convictions, institutionally this is impossible. Qualities as these are generally taken in at the command post from guardians and watchmen and are ingrained in us from a youthful age. It is basic that we don't see what really is an only society so as to accomplish a fair society. As activities, for example, these will get our general public no place Sen takes a gander at the social decision hypothesis as a way to deal with equity too. Social decision hypothesis is worried about the connections between individuals, their inclinations social decision. For instance a gathering of people, for example, a board settling on a choice in a democratic procedure, people in the gathering may have various inclinations over alternatives that are accessible to them. This methodology manages the standards of accumulations of inclination. Conglomeration of social decision might be outlandish if the procedure of decision is to fulfill a lot of sensible conditions. With such sensible conditions, this could adjust the general accord of a social decision being made by such an advisory group or gathering. Indeed, even some extremely mellow states of sensible affectability of social choice to what the citizenry need can't be at the same time fulfilled by any social decision methodology that can be portrayed as normal and fair (Sen 93). We can in any c ase, become all the more casually touchy, in the event that we decide to simply attempt to improve as opposed to meet the rules of being completely reasonable or just. One may utilize social decision hypothesis as a structure for thinking, instead of to attempt to utilize it totally to accomplish equity. Position of perception and information is another significant methodology Sen examines in his work. What we

Sunday, July 19, 2020

6 Productivity Tips to Keep Your Meetings on Track - Focus

6 Productivity Tips to Keep Your Meetings on Track - Focus Were spending more time in meetings. Today’s executives devote an average of 23 hours a week to them, while in the 60s, meetings took up less than 10 hours for the average executive. But the fact that we’re spending more time on meetings doesnt mean we’re getting more done in them. It’s a common trope among office workers that meetings are a waste of time. In one survey, 71 percent of senior managers described them as unproductive and inefficient. Meetings can be useful, but only if they stay on track. Keeping them productive is a challenge that requires discipline. These tips can help. 1. Dont Schedule Unnecessary â€" or Unnecessarily Long â€" Meetings The more critical a meeting is, the more likely it is to stay on track. That’s because these meetings have a specific goal attendees need to accomplish. Unnecessary meetings tend to be unfocused because they lack a specific goal. Avoid scheduling meetings for the sake of meeting up or “just in case.” If you can’t define a reason to have a meeting, skip it. This rule also applies to the length of meetings. Favor shorter sessions over longer ones because tasks tend to expand to fill the time allotted to them â€" a phenomenon called Parkinson’s Law. 2. Ensure the Meeting Has Value for Everyone Involved If you want to keep your meeting on track, invite the right people. Make sure everyone who needs to make the required decisions is there, but also be careful not to over-invite, which can slow meetings down. You need to have the right mix of people, too. Some sessions, for example, might not benefit from a blend of entry-level and senior employees. Whoever is leading the meeting might need to take steps to encourage everyone to contribute so attendees can both provide and get value out of the meeting. For example, Wins meetings give team members a platform to share small milestones theyve achieved that might otherwise have gone unnoticed. These kinds of meeting help everyone get on the same page while increasing team morale. 3. Plan Your Meeting Early The time you spend in preparation for your meeting is just as essential as how you manage the meeting itself. Create an agenda for your meeting and share it with every participant. Start working on the plan and send it to people early, so they can prepare as well. Before you go into the meeting, you should know what your goals are, what format your meeting will take, who will participate and the type of discussion you’ll have. Some meetings include a presentation, followed by time for questions, while others require more participation. Meeting planning tools such as MindMeister can help you prepare as well. You can use MindMeister to create meeting agendas and presentations, take minutes, assign tasks and more. Plan Manage Meetings Efficiently Try MindMeister FREE Try MindMeister 4. Share the Responsibility of Keeping the Meeting Focused When you share the job of keeping the meeting on track, its harder to miss it when things start going off the rails. Try giving employees a constructive way to point out when someone gets off-topic, repeats something thats already come up or does something else that could cause people to lose focus. Security management software provider Brivo, for example, gives each employee a No Rehash” pingpong paddle they can raise if someone brings up a subject that has already been addressed. 5. For Long Meetings, Schedule Breaks People dread long meetings, and if there’s no end in sight, people may start zoning out or getting distracted. Building break times into exceptionally long meetings and letting everyone know about them ahead of time can help prevent people from getting angsty. If people know theres a break ahead, they may be more likely to resist the urge to check their email. Even just a few minutes of free time can help. This article from the Muse recommends scheduling breaks into any meetings that are more than an hour long. 6. Start, Transition and End Well The structure of the meeting is essential as well. Having a clear beginning, middle and end will help people stay focused because they’ll have a better idea of what they should be doing at any given time. To nail the beginning of your meeting, avoid starting while people are distracted. Let them settle in. Then, make sure everyone is on the same page about the purpose of the meeting before you begin. The meeting should also have distinct sections, and it should be clear when you’re transitioning to a new topic. Finally, end the meeting with a summary of what you accomplished and assign tasks as needed. After the meeting, send an email to recap this information. Meetings dont have to be a waste of time. For better meetings, make staying on task a top priority. If you plan appropriately, get everyone on the same page and follow the other tips in this article, you’ll be well on your way to wasting less time and getting more done. Plan Manage Meetings Efficiently Try MindMeister FREE Try MindMeister 6 Productivity Tips to Keep Your Meetings on Track - Focus Were spending more time in meetings. Today’s executives devote an average of 23 hours a week to them, while in the 60s, meetings took up less than 10 hours for the average executive. But the fact that we’re spending more time on meetings doesnt mean we’re getting more done in them. It’s a common trope among office workers that meetings are a waste of time. In one survey, 71 percent of senior managers described them as unproductive and inefficient. Meetings can be useful, but only if they stay on track. Keeping them productive is a challenge that requires discipline. These tips can help. 1. Dont Schedule Unnecessary â€" or Unnecessarily Long â€" Meetings The more critical a meeting is, the more likely it is to stay on track. That’s because these meetings have a specific goal attendees need to accomplish. Unnecessary meetings tend to be unfocused because they lack a specific goal. Avoid scheduling meetings for the sake of meeting up or “just in case.” If you can’t define a reason to have a meeting, skip it. This rule also applies to the length of meetings. Favor shorter sessions over longer ones because tasks tend to expand to fill the time allotted to them â€" a phenomenon called Parkinson’s Law. 2. Ensure the Meeting Has Value for Everyone Involved If you want to keep your meeting on track, invite the right people. Make sure everyone who needs to make the required decisions is there, but also be careful not to over-invite, which can slow meetings down. You need to have the right mix of people, too. Some sessions, for example, might not benefit from a blend of entry-level and senior employees. Whoever is leading the meeting might need to take steps to encourage everyone to contribute so attendees can both provide and get value out of the meeting. For example, Wins meetings give team members a platform to share small milestones theyve achieved that might otherwise have gone unnoticed. These kinds of meeting help everyone get on the same page while increasing team morale. 3. Plan Your Meeting Early The time you spend in preparation for your meeting is just as essential as how you manage the meeting itself. Create an agenda for your meeting and share it with every participant. Start working on the plan and send it to people early, so they can prepare as well. Before you go into the meeting, you should know what your goals are, what format your meeting will take, who will participate and the type of discussion you’ll have. Some meetings include a presentation, followed by time for questions, while others require more participation. Meeting planning tools such as MindMeister can help you prepare as well. You can use MindMeister to create meeting agendas and presentations, take minutes, assign tasks and more. Plan Manage Meetings Efficiently Try MindMeister FREE Try MindMeister 4. Share the Responsibility of Keeping the Meeting Focused When you share the job of keeping the meeting on track, its harder to miss it when things start going off the rails. Try giving employees a constructive way to point out when someone gets off-topic, repeats something thats already come up or does something else that could cause people to lose focus. Security management software provider Brivo, for example, gives each employee a No Rehash” pingpong paddle they can raise if someone brings up a subject that has already been addressed. 5. For Long Meetings, Schedule Breaks People dread long meetings, and if there’s no end in sight, people may start zoning out or getting distracted. Building break times into exceptionally long meetings and letting everyone know about them ahead of time can help prevent people from getting angsty. If people know theres a break ahead, they may be more likely to resist the urge to check their email. Even just a few minutes of free time can help. This article from the Muse recommends scheduling breaks into any meetings that are more than an hour long. 6. Start, Transition and End Well The structure of the meeting is essential as well. Having a clear beginning, middle and end will help people stay focused because they’ll have a better idea of what they should be doing at any given time. To nail the beginning of your meeting, avoid starting while people are distracted. Let them settle in. Then, make sure everyone is on the same page about the purpose of the meeting before you begin. The meeting should also have distinct sections, and it should be clear when you’re transitioning to a new topic. Finally, end the meeting with a summary of what you accomplished and assign tasks as needed. After the meeting, send an email to recap this information. Meetings dont have to be a waste of time. For better meetings, make staying on task a top priority. If you plan appropriately, get everyone on the same page and follow the other tips in this article, you’ll be well on your way to wasting less time and getting more done. Plan Manage Meetings Efficiently Try MindMeister FREE Try MindMeister

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Different Aspects of Afghan Culture in the Kite Runner Essay

How does Hosseini portray different aspects of Afghan Culture in chapters 1-6? Hosseini uses a variety of literary devices, syntax features and different feelings and attitudes to portray different aspects of afghan culture. Different characters seem to have different views towards cultures, such as Assef and the Hazara’s and Baba’s views of Muslim tradition and the Mullah Fatiullah Khan, with Hosseini using literary devices such as Foreshadowing to portray these views. Amir believes in a lot of Afghans culture and the religious traditions he gets taught, however Hosseini also shows he doesn’t believe in some traditions, such as the Buzkashi tournament. The theme of social statuses is very clear throughout the chapters, and includes†¦show more content†¦Amir describes â€Å"Intricate mosaic tiles, handpicked by Baba in Isfahan, covered the floors of the four bathrooms.† The description consists of a lexical field of wealth and fortune, emphasising the social status of Amir and the grand objects he can own, compared to Hassan , shown in â€Å"in the shadows of a loquat tree, was the servants’ home, a modest little hut where Hassan lived with his father†. Hosseini’s use of the metaphor â€Å"modest† further portrays the lifestyle of Hassan and the hut being â€Å"in the shadows† expands and highlights on the social status of Hassan, which is much less than Amir. Furthermore, the social class of Amir could additionally be portrayed when Hassan receives a â€Å"birthday present† from Baba, which is an operation. Amir states â€Å"There was no gift wrapped box in sight. No bag. No toy.† The minor sentences and repetition emphasise Amir’s expectations, which could relate to his social class, as if he actually expects there should be some sort of wrapped gift, and also shows how well off he is compared to Hassan, as he must receive these sort of gifts from Baba. An aspect that highlights the low statuses of women in Afghan culture, is portrayed in the soldiers rude description of Sanaubar, Hassan’s mother. The solider speaks withShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Kite Runner 1229 Words   |  5 PagesThe Kite Runner’s plot is centered on the story of Amir, a young boy who grew up in Afghanistan with his father, and friend, Hassan. Amir was raised without a mother, and had no womanly influence in his life until he was married. This lack of women in the storyline has caused some to argue that the novel is demeaning to women (Gomez). The vulgar language and explicit themes are seen as demoralizing towards the female gender (Schaub). In the novel the women are required to remain committed and submissiveRead More The Kite Runner Essay1476 Words   |  6 PagesThe Kite Runner Reading for leisure provides valuable insight into the author’s imagination or prior experience giving the reader a different perspective on a certain topic or culture. In Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner, we are introduced into a world of privilege in Afghanistan for the main character, Amir, combated with his best friend and half brother Hassan, their lowly Hazara servant. The two boys were raised together but being a Hazara is seen as an inferior race to many of the otherRead MoreThe Kite Runner Essay1321 Words   |  6 PagesWhat are the essential values and ideas presented in The Kite Runner? Analyse and assess how effective their representation is Hosseini has expressed copious essential values and ideas in his novel The Kite Runner (TKR) including Loyalty, Culture, Gender and Ethnicity and Atonement. Hosseini has expressed these through the combination of style, structure, characterisation, themes and setting. Due to the context of The Kite Runner, culture is an important idea presented because it has major significanceRead MoreDiscrimination In The Kite Runner1698 Words   |  7 Pagesit has on their lives. This is especially true for minorities in the world who are singled out and treated as inferiors based on physical traits. The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini, explores in depth the discrimination that has infected the Afghan culture and the catastrophic effects they have of citizens. The novel scrutinizes the Afghani culture in Afghanistan and delves into the discriminatory treatment of minorities such as women, the Hazara race and those with physical disabilities. DiscriminationRead MoreThe Kite Runner By Khaled Hosseini1941 Words   |  8 PagesKhaled Hosseini’s novel The Kite Runner readers are interested to learn about the society in Afghanistan. The author wrote the book in a way that anyone of any age that reads it can relate to it. As an Afghan- American novelist, Hoss eini’s language used in the book was understandable to both American and Afghan readers. The success of the book made it to the New York Times #1 top sellers best list in 2005 gaining more recognition for the book. The book has been making a tremendous amount of successRead MoreThe Kite Runner - Literary Criticism Essay1444 Words   |  6 PagesDanil Kukovitskiy The Kite Runner written by Khaled Hosseini can be seen as a great book but at the same time one that is too simple and easy. In discussions of The Kite Runner, one controversial issue has been the inner levels of the novel. On one hand, many people believe that the novel is filled with numerous themes that are deep and make one think about the human experience and will leave you thinking long after you finish reading it. On the other hand, there are also many literary criticsRead MoreA Thousand Splendid Suns And The Kite Runner3258 Words   |  14 Pagesexpresses his sorrow and love for his country in his writings A Thousand Splendid Suns and The Kite Runner. He explores the values of the Afghan society. Through his works, the readers have a sense of understanding of the exotic and rich culture that exists in Afghanistan. Hosseini expresses through his writing, the beautiful culture and traditions that are part of his homeland. However, behind the beautiful culture there is an ugly side to his country, a side that most in the West fear. His people haveRead MoreWherever You Go, Thats Who You Are1134 Words   |  5 PagesA person’s surroundings have a strong influence on the course of their lives and their character. This is shown in the novel The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini. The main character in the story, Amir, lives in Kabul, Afghanistan with his successful and respected father, Baba, and their two servants Ali and Hassan. Amir and Hassan grow up together as very close friends, but their friendship often suffers from the tension of Amirs insecurities, as well as their societys negative view on Hassans HazaraRead MoreThe Kite Runner: Highlighting the Plight of Afghanistan1691 Words   |  7 Pagesliterature and the literature of his, now changed, native country. Lamenting his countries ruin, Hosseini uses the tragic metamorphosis in his country as the backbone of his novels. Born in Kabul, Afghanistan on March 4, 1965, Hosseini loved poetry and k ite fighting. When he turned five, he moved with his family to Tehran. Here, Hosseini taught his family’s Hazara cook how to read and write, showing Hosseini an early view into the cruelties of the world and the power of words (Esten). After a stay inRead MoreThe Kite Runner By Khaled Hosseini2522 Words   |  11 PagesIn The Kite Runner, Khaled Hosseini creates an awareness and humanization of Afghanistan as a nation and as a culture. Through a postcolonial perspective, the main character, Amir resembles the internal conflicts and external tribulations that a country and its citizens’ face when living in a war-torn region. Postcolonial criticism offers a unique perspective by highlighting the destructive events that lead to death and misery, rather than glorifying the exploratory nature of colonists as they

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Mgt 307 Final Exams - 1718 Words

MGT 307, Final Exam 1) From its scientific heritage, organizational behavior has developed all of the following EXCEPT: A. use of scientific methods. B. contingency thinking. C. an interdisciplinary body of knowledge. D. an emphasis on finding the â€Å"one best way† to complete a task. 2) __________ is a multidisciplinary field devoted to understanding individual and group behavior, interpersonal processes, and organizational dynamics. A. performance management. B. workgroup analysis. C. motivation. D. organizational behavior. 3) Organizational behavior is an interdisciplinary body of knowledge with strong ties to all of the following disciplines EXCEPT:†¦show more content†¦A. teams that plan things. B. teams that review things. C. teams that reengineer things. D. teams that make or do things. 14) __________ may exist at all levels of responsibility, from the individual work unit composed of a team leader and team members to the top management team composed of a CEO and other senior executives. A. Teams that review things. B. Teams that make or do things. C. Teams that run things. D. Teams that evaluate things. 15) __________ typically work with a target completion date and disband once their purpose has been fulfilled. A. Teams that recommend things. B. Teams that review things. C. Teams that run things. D. Teams that study things. 16) Whenever he is involved in a disagreement, Harry tries to partially satisfy both his concerns and the other party s concerns through bargaining and appropriate trade-offs. Harry uses which conflict management style? A. avoidance B. collaboration C. accommodation D. compromise 17) Sheila is assertive and uncooperative in dealing with others during conflict. She goes against the wishes of others and uses her authority to gain compliance. Sheila uses which conflict management style? A. competition B. compromise C. collaboration D. accommodation 18) Ken is being cooperative but unassertive with his employees during a conflictShow MoreRelatedMgt 307 Final Exams 3820 Words   |  4 PagesMGT 307 Final Exams 1) __________ is a multidisciplinary field devoted to understanding individual and group behavior, interpersonal processes, and organizational dynamics. 2) Scientific methods models link _________________ - presumed causes, with _________________ - outcomes, of practical value and interest. 3) From its scientific heritage, organizational behavior has developed all of the following EXCEPT: 4) In the

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Sunday, April 26, 2020

Supply Chain Coursework an Example by

Supply Chain Coursework by Expert Prof Nelly | 14 Dec 2016 1(a). In the diagram presented, eight effects were observed in the first marking scheme. The items depicted in the marking scheme are reminiscent of the bullwhip effect, which is an incident that occurs when some factors in a demand-motivated supply chain act up. The first observation is the distortion of information. Upon looking closely at the setup of the supply chain, it is easy to leave out and misinterpret bits and pieces of information as a result of the frequent transfer of information from one part of the chain to another. Need essay sample on "Supply Chain Coursework" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed The second and an obvious characteristic of the organization presented by the diagram is the fragmented supply chain. In the diagram, companies A,B,C,D, and E have an indirect but interdependent relationships as far as supply and demand are concerned. Companies A, B, C, D and E each own one particular stage that lead to the delivery of the finished product to the consumer. Taking into account the companies relationships with the customer, only Company A has a clear-cut and transparent association with the end user. The farther a company goes into the supply chain, the more time is required for it to wait for results or further feedback. Thus, there is a need for protective stock. The result is time delays in the processing of orders, payments, and other transactions as there is no direct communication with the end customer. The lack of transparency between transactions leading to the real demand also brings about possible planning distortions. Communication lines between business partners have to be open and frequent for plans to be executed smoothly and perfectly to fruition. (Lee, Padmanabhan and Whang 2004) The structure of the supply chain as seen in the diagram lends to the amplification of demand further away from real demand. The end consumer is in direct communication only with Company A. Company A, on the other hand has an exclusive partnership with Company B. Likewise, Company B has an exclusive partnership with Company C. The same setup is true for Company D and E. The real demand is what the end consumer requires from Company A. The existing arrangement complicates an otherwise simple business transaction between what is supposed to be a deal between Company A and the end customer. Should there be periods where demand falls, there is the certainty of an increase in non-value added buffer stocks. The evident absence of communication between the customer and third-party suppliers may result in unreliable deliveries. In attempts to bridge delays in delivery, the customer will tend to order in advance which may result in over-ordering if there is poor capacity planning and delivery schedules are not managed efficiently. The existing setup makes for a rather inefficient supply chain, which is susceptible to miscommunication, error, delays and losses. (Lee, Padmanabhan and Whang 2004) 1(b). Several solutions can be implemented to reduce the impact of the bullwhip effect. For the existing setup to be more efficient, companies should explore means of integrating several stages in the supply chain. Companies should examine their procedures to determine if there are processes that can be integrated or eliminated. This will result in savings, which will later translate into an increased earning capacity. An improvement of relationships in the supply chain leads to better communication between entities and makes for faster and more efficient transactions. Supply chains with similar setups will greatly benefit from ERP systems or Enterprise Resource Planning Systems. All the data and the processes of an organization will be integrated into one central system with the ERPs. Therefore, utilizing ERPs is a more time-efficient method of managing transactions. (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 2007) EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) or e-procurement implements processes that would automate transactions such as ordering. Like ERP systems, the use of EDI improves the speed of processing transactions and leads to more accurate busienss information. Real time information is the result of the proper use of tools such as ERPs and EDI. Managing transactions using real time information means that the information used is fresh, updated and will lead to better results for the whole organization. Transparency in all components the supply chain will lead to better communication between members of the chain and is essential in efficiently addressing the needs that will make for smooth operations. (Brunke n.d.) 2(a) Organizations use certain criteria to evaluate the performance of a logistics supply chain. Processes that organizations may be spending too much on will be revealed by a thorough analysis of costs by activity. A review of activity costs will help managers determine where to cut costs within an organization. (Brunke n.d.) Customer satisfaction is always good measure of the success of a company. Organizations can use valuable feedback information to determine their strengths and weaknesses. Proper attention to and evaluation of issues that customers will raise is a good way of determining what areas to improve on in terms of service levels. (Brunke n.d.) Two areas that would eat up a significant amount of companies budgets are warehousing and transportation costs. In order to deliver quality products to customer, companies must be careful of how they store and transport their products from the warehouses to the stores. In line with this, they must come up with an efficient routing system that would ensure that products will come to their customers on time at the best quality. For example, grocery store chain that has two branches that are near each other dont need individual warehouses for their inventory. In order to save on costs, the grocery chain should have one warehouse that is located near both stores to keep inventory for both. Delivery routes should be well-planned such that inventory for restocking both stores can be accommodated using one delivery truck. This will help the company save on storage expense as well as fuel expenses. (Brunke n.d.) Storage and transportation are essential activities in a supply chain. A well-defined warehousing and transportation system will lead to reduced logistics support costs. It is wise to measure supplier performance to ensure that products are always at top quality. Suppliers should be subject to inspections and evaluations from time to time to guarantee that raw materials or services availed from them are at a par to the companys standards. 2 (b) All business organizations are not without their fair share of obstacles. In developing a Logistics Information System or L.I.S. there are several common problems that organizations should look out for. The first problem is inaccurate data. Inaccurate data results from an inefficient system of recording transaction information. In spite of the seemingly trivial, sometimes redundant nature of this activity, it is essential that problems with inaccurate data is dealt with at the onset to prevent a snowball effect of other problems that it may bring about. Poor forecasting is the result of working with inaccurate data. This may lead to other problems such as overstocking. The lack of systems integration causes delays in processing of data and affects the quality and timeliness of data available for use in the different departments of an organization. The lack of real time information is the result of not dealing with the problem of inaccurate data at the onset. This may bring about serious discrepancies with regards to transaction information. Only an efficient flow of information will be able to remedy these conditions. (Brunke n.d.) A fragmented supply chain is consequence of a poorly managed supply chain. This is inherent in supply chains wherein the different stages of production are outsourced to different companies or organizations. To prevent an organization from suffering such a condition, it is important to carefully evaluate processes in order to avoid overlapping procedures. (Brunke n.d.) Reference List Lee, Hau L., V. Padmanabhan, and Seungjin Whang. Comments on "information distortion in a supply chain: the bullwhip effect"; The bullwhip effect: reflections. December 1, 2004. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Enterprise resource planning. August 9, 2007. (accessed August 10, 2007).